Saturday, December 4, 2010

My Celtic obsession

Celtic music never lets me down.One minute you're downtrodden,absolutely disheartened,feeling sick and absolutely dreary but once the Celts wave their magic wands over my ears,its suddenly bare-chested buff men with swords and axes,impish long haired archers,young lases in long frocks with flowers in their hair,battle cries,clanking of swords,burials,burning villages, Robin hood,King Arthur and his knights,Lady of the Shallots,enchantresses,unicorns and sigh.......Its just so magical.Guess I've always had a thing for the middle ages where men went to war and came home,unwashed,unshaven and heroic and women awaited their men(or their corpses) with open arms.You fought battles,waded off enemy armies,ate,drank,had raw,wild,animal sex and went to sleep only to wake up the next day,go to war,eat,drink,have sex and go to sleep again.Life was so simple then,and people accepted the fact that it was uncertain too.Women did not have over expectations of their men coming back home.If they died in the battlefield,they died as heroes and glory shall be theirs.And then their sons would be encouraged to follow the father's footsteps and get killed oh-so-idiotically by some invading asshole.

Times have greatly changed now.Men go to work and women are fairly certain that they'l be coming home in the evening.If they did not come home and died on the way,one can be certain that they did not die from battle wounds.Either they had a traffic accident or they had a stroke of some sort.And so,they are not considered as heroes,but either as senseless buffoons and shameless gluttons who do not know how to watch their health and control their diet or unbelievable idiots who do not know how to drive/ride/travel safely.Or you just blame another person completely for knocking/running him over with his car/truck/van/bus, bulldozer/etc and regard it as a tragedy that could have been avoided.People from the middle ages must have been completely unaware of words such as "stroke" "heart attack" "diabetes","cholesterol",etc as chopping firewood,building their own houses,killing people,etc kept them well maintained and rock hard ab-ed.Four packs/six packs even eight packs were common household items those days as today,it is considered quite extraordinary for an individual to own a four pack to display.

As a result of which the modern male individual often likes to lose his shirt and flaunt whatever packs that he has whenever it is possible to do so.During the middle ages,the men were bare chested because their cloth rations were limited,its easier for physical labour to be without shirt,etc,but I clearly don't understand why the dudes go shirtless or they accidently "happen" to lose the shirt when all they do is strut around in air conditioned chambers,showing off their "stuff".I mean surely,there are plenty of cloths lying around these days,are there not?Sigh.....times have changed,but apparently,men have not.

I've always considered four packs/six packs/eight packs to be the guy version of the much coveted female breasts.But unlike the breasts for which the norm goes like "the bigger the better",for the packs it goes something like "the more the merrier"(My perverted mind runs wild with an inverted version of this theory[hee...heee.. :D] which is quite scary really :O :S )Anyways,the point is,it's totally ok to own a four/six/eight pack but is it considered socially acceptable for men to be flaunting their "boobs" around like that? Now that you actually think about it.......Hmmmmmmmmmmm.......(perverted grin)

People no longer fought with swords these days.Today,they have boring ol machine guns and bombs to point and shoot and blow each other to morsels(I personally believe that those giant old fashioned catapults are SO much more fun than bombs)which are not half as much fascinating as watching as when the swords and axes go clank clank and arrows go swishing through the air.Men do not have to walk for days and nights in order get to the next village.Our people hire tuk tuks just to get to their neighbour's house and threaten their loved ones that they are going to buy motorcycles(at which the loved ones go "are you nuts??? Are you trying to get yourself killed???,etc,etc which is fair enough btw,coz motorcycles are rather fickle creatures which in the hands of a callous and a shamefully careless rider can prove to be fatal)

Therefore,the question arises-Is the history repeating itself when women cannot be too sure if the man will come home in one piece or not at the end of the day because he has chosen a rather dubious form of transport as his partner in crime in his day to day chores? Will the women have to come to terms with death and all other consequences of reckless decisions at such a young age? Well,only time will tell.I think dying in the battlefield is a much more nobler way to go rather than going and knocking yourself silly against a truck and being sent to heaven on the spot.I mean,how the hell are you going to survive the God almighty's sarci looks and all those sexy angels who will cover their mouths with their wings and snicker at you up there???

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