Sunday, November 8, 2015

On Soulmates, Kindred Spirits and the call of the universe

Why is it that everybody seems to be talking about soulmates these days?

For the past couple of weeks, I met at least 8 people with whom I had very insightful and rather unexpected discussions about soulmates and kindred spirits. I have spoken with many people about this curious soulmate phenomena before but this is the first time in my life that this kind of soulful discussions had been carried out with such consistency. Is it karmic, is it pure coincidence or is it just the rain? Or maybe, the universe is gesturing at me wildly to write about it. And when the universe calls, you've gotta answer.

Soulmates come in many forms - as friends, as lovers, as family members. And contrary to popular belief, there is definitely more than one soulmate per person (but none if you spend your life in eternal oblivion never really opening your eyes). When one hears of soulmates, one effortlessly jumps into assuming that it is a lover. This may be due to the sheer strength of connection that one feels between the soulmates and due to this, it is easy to jump into a romantic involvement in a heartbeat, but it shouldn't always be the case. I am not saying that it doesn't work out that way, in fact there is a very high chance of soulmates working their way through a romantic relationship than two complete strangers who have no connection with each other whatsoever. But I also believe that the universe works hard to help you figure out what exactly is right and if your instincts are sharp enough, you will be able to pick up on those signals and continue upon your intended path.

How would I know? Because I have had my share of soulmates in my life. My best friends had always been soulmates and there was a period in life where I had been friends with soulmates exclusively. And no, that was not lonely because if truth be told, one or two soulmates in your life is actually way more rewarding that a host of simply other beings surrounding you 24 hours a a day. I am currently in a relationship with a soulmate - the one the universe wants me to spend my life with I believe and who was also once my best friend. Soulmates have a way of shaping one another – of steering you towards your destiny whether you like it or not. My experience of being romantically involved with a soulmate is very vibrant. An evolved soulmate romantic relationship is characteristic of growing together, rising above the mundane, inspiring one another and moulding one another to be the best that they can be and I have been fortunate enough to be blessed with one. They bring out the best in you, and this can be very confronting and even intrusive as growth is not easy - it comes with having to deal with one’s own ego and having to see past it. Romantic soulmate connections are intense – you feel scarred by them sometimes and the imprints they leave, they leave for life. Happy moments are ecstatic and when it makes you sad, you droop to the very depths. But you can never, ever experience the deep connection that you feel, that satiates not only your your mind, your body, and your soul with anyone else. Yes, it is that special.

And when you sit down and trace your lives together, you will see that your paths have unknowingly crossed so many times before or that you have almost met before but as circumstances would have it, you have missed each other many times over as well. In some cases you will also see that at certain periods of your lives you’ve gone through the same things. You often share the same tastes, similar characteristics and you simply click – for example, my current partner and I bonded over a common interest in music and once realized, we went on to discover that music wasn’t the only thing that we had in common. And in most cases, the moment you lock eyes on each other, you will simply feel that electric connection – that uncanny feeling of knowing that person before, that strange familiarity, even though that is probably the first time you’ve met each other.

No, not love at first sight! That's just cheesy. This is different. This is something deep and reverberating. It is karmic and in no way have to be romantic. It's simply, a sense of knowing.   

Karmic connections have a way of finding you whether or not you are ready to receive them. As life would have it, I have had to reject a few soulmates in my life, purposely placed barrages in between to separate and placed boundaries because frankly, it is scary how intensely, how deeply you connect and how quickly. It's disturbing how it all tumbles on to you too soon, too fast and way too intense than you bargained for. Also one may have to reject them when they come at the wrong time and place and if your instincts are in place, you would hold up your hand and say, whoa there please stop and slowly back away. But no matter how much you distance them they will always find their way back to you, or you will find a way to keep contact because your soul demands it - some as close friends, some as estranged best friends and some, simply semi-strangers that you haven't quite gotten to know just lurking around the corner, waiting to be known.

If you are not attuned to your own soul, sometimes you can still be attracted to your soulmates not really knowing the reason, simply attributing it to something superficial. This is you answering your soul’s calling to find that missing something, but due to the un-enlightened nature of one’s own consciousness, you confuse that call with a more superficial one and askew that connection entirely by careless handling, therefore driving your soulmates away. This is when the soulmates in question are immature or have not yet properly evolved that you know instinctively that he/she is going to drag you under too if you attach yourself to them. In which case it’s better to stay away at a safe distance until the sooulmate finds their path – gently nudging them in the right direction perhaps, never really losing contact, always in touch. And timing most often in these cases, is everything as wrong timing can lead to driving you further apart. But to evolve, a person must be willing first. 

And then there are the Faux soulmates. On the surface, there couldn’t be a more perfect soulmate. You have similar tastes and interests, you even finish each other’s sentences. But in the end it just turns out that the other person has simply been mirroring you all along. One must stay away from them – they are toxic. This has been known to happen, and when it happens it’s good to be aware.
Soulmate connections are rare, and when found, even in the situation of the soulmates not really having attained the desired maturity and the correct timing, you must not simply let go. It’s good to remember that you are connected by something stronger than just attraction, brotherhood or sisterhood, it’s most often destiny or the possibility of being guided to your true calling in life. If properly put to use, soulmate connections can be very rewarding. But who am I to preach, I myself have a lot to learn on the subject. But I have always been an intuitive person and I believe I have experienced this wonderful phenomenon more than most people must have. Yet, I don't flatter myself. 

Universe! I ranted on. I hope you are happy. Now leave me alone :P  


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