Monday, December 3, 2012

Wedding Post - 1

So here I am body hairless and eyebrow-less (well, relatively less) ready for the weddingS tomorrow. The chirpy girls at the salon who are supposed to do my makeup tomorrow (I do not own any makeup and do not enjoy wearing any except for black eyeliner - a bare essential) insisted that I be hairless to look pretty tomorrow for the two weddings. Yes, TWO bloody weddings people, and back to bloody back!! And no coming home in between to grab a snooze either. Its from one to the other in a mad dash and then spending time staring into empty space for countless hours! Sigh............ If I do not report back, consider me dead from the excess of flowery powdery goodness, the fluff and the fanfare and the Godawful balloneyness of it all.

And everybody, including my own mother and even the people hosting the weddingS seemed absolutely shocked when I boldly declared that I did not intend to wear any makeup for the weddingS. Had no idea that I looked that frightful. So makeup it is :(

It seems that I am surrounded by weddings. Suddenly, everybody is in a hurry to get married, including my own brother. But thank God nobody's planning my own anymore. But I'm sure I'l get a lot of eyebrow wiggling, quite a lot of doomsday predictions of "you are next" and requests for wedding cake tomorrow. Sigh............aunties!

There is one wedding I'm actually looking forward to though, the wedding of two very dear friends who are tying the knot next week. So cannot say that my heart is completely set against weddings. Besides I'm waiting to see how The Darling is going to play his part as a Best man. I'm gonna enjoy watching him and his equally retarded friends make complete fools of themselves. Tee hee 3:)


RainMan said...

Ah! a girl with no make up!! the rarest breed! Glad i found you! :) :)

lady grouch-a-lot said...

Well they also obviously think that I need the makeup. Which is hurtful :(