Sunday, July 14, 2013

Weekend blues

An extremely productive weekend. A whole lot of movies, home cooked yummy food, a Chitral Somapala performance, a good bit of dancing, a heavenly head massage followed by a good haircut. I feel good :)

I wish every weekend was like this. Most weekends are nonexistent these days. You are all excited on Friday night and before you know it, its Monday again! Its just that occassions I get to stay at home and chill are very rare these days. Life is fast paced. It does not feel like living at all sometimes. 

The performance on Saturday was good although Chitral played only a few songs. The band in itself, Mirage was excellent. There was quite a lot of dancing and merry making involved and I was wayyyy past my curfew but at that moment, I couldn't really care less. We just might head over there for a Friday or Saturday night sometime soon. Yes, it was that good.

After an indulgent visit to the salon, I feel like a satiated cat after a very voluptous dinner. A girl does definitely need some pampering once in a while methinks, even if its a very small treat like an indulgent head massage at your local salon. Think I should go for a luxurious, albeit expensive spa treat. I feel like I'm abandoning myself most of the time, not really paying much attention to what I even look like most of the time (note that the haircut was a move of convenience rather than of beauty). Time to spoil myself a little bit, so maybe now at the height of the stress season is the perfect moment to do it.   

Why women would want V shaped eyebrows I'l never understand. Its like having circumflexes on top of your eyes. Maybe they want an "accent" to their eyes. I don't know. I'm not sure I really understand. If anybody finds out please let me know.

Monday starts tomorrow, weekend ends in just a couple of hours. I've come to realize that Monday is not actually my least favourite day of the week, Tuesday is. Anyways, happy week ahead everyone! Can't WAIT for the long weekend up ahead! 

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