WHY is it that men are allowed to parade around with all their glorious fuzzy fur ablaze while us womenfolk have to trim, wax and shave off that natural protective layer that covers our skin??? WHY???? A question that has baffled me for ages, yet one that I haven't quite found a reply for.
Whoever that introduced the notion of the "perfect" woman as being hairless has had serious hormonal deficiencies.
Body hair (head hair, arm and leg hair, pubic hair) are natural protective shells of the human skin which is anyway an extremely delicate organ, particularly the female skin. That being the case, nature has gifted us ridiculous creatures with something like a coat to protect this delicate area with, with which we go in to a world of pain by dragging razors down our arms and legs, ripping off skin particles during the waxing process and trimming off what is not meant to be trimmed originally. Now, the removal of underarm hair is totally understandable as it can be put down solely on hygienic reasons (you wouldn't want to raise a hand and gas off an entire bus of innocent, unsuspecting passengers now, would you?) But what has those harmless arm and leg hair done to anyone??? They who are just innocent bystanders in our long journey of life are being ripped away from their beds for absolutely no reason isn't it? All they've done is protect our oh-so-delicate skin!! (At the same time making us look like grizzly bears in the eyes of superficial males and females worldwide) Apparently, beauty is as deep as the hair roots go. So are our brains. Our brains are smeared all over our skin like an expired anti-aging potion.
I put it down to this plastic age that we are living in. Hair don't grow on plastic. And therefore, hair is not accepted anymore.
No wonder they say that a person cannot achieve Buddhahood in a woman's body. They won't have time to meditate having to spend precious time shaving their arms and legs first just to be accepted by the society!!
Men with hair are widely accepted, and God forbid, women even PREFER men with a shocking excess of hair all over their body, even those with hair sprouting out of their nostrils, ears and back (ewwww!). SOME people I know (ahem) have this rather strange theory that women are 'naturally ugly' and that women have to take a special effort (as in shaving, waxing, etc) to look beautiful ( Since when did "Beautiful" become a synonym for "Hairless"?? ) Well, excuse ME, but I don't find men with hair sprouting out of their every pore droolingly irresistible either.
But who am I to question it when I myself had been a slave of this hairless system for so long, shedding my fur in an attempt to be socially accepted, without ever knowing why, without being able to ask why? But WHY?

Saturday, November 19, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Frankenstein Poops-a-lot :)
Lady Grouchalot is covered from head to foot with bite marks, claw marks and scratch marks these days. And no, these are not the signs of domestic violence nor the marks of rough, wild, exciting sex, these are the signs of a very cute, but an absurdly hyperactive puppy-boo growing up.
Introducing His Chewingness, Sir Frankenstein Poops-a-lot, named thus for obvious reasons, is the newest member of the prestigious a-lot family, the very center of our universe these days. Today he turned three months old (Happy birthday Franky boyyyyyyy!!!) and was as usual chewing away at anything and everything in sight the last time I saw him.
Unlike most Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Franky-boo has the most adooooorable little pudgy face that I have ever seen. Which was one of the reasons why I picked him out of a litter of 8. He has the most beautiful, curious eyes that give you this quizzical look if you dare do something that he is not accustomed to seeing you do before. And he eats everything from papaya to jack fruit to chickpeas to even kola kandha, the herbal broth made from the juice extracted from various leaves churned together that Mother Dearest swears by as having intense medicinal properties (Um yuck) and even grass (Yes I do wonder sometimes) So guess who is the new household favorite of Mother Dearest these days? *sulk*
As for his ferocious, watch-dog- like qualities, he only barks at buckets these days (not kidding). In this case, the bright orange bucket that Father Dearest uses to water the plants on the balcony. Frankenstein likes to roll it here and there, topple it over and bark at it ferociously while cooking up strategic attacks in his doggy mind as to how to ambush this conniving, highly dangerous bucket in the most effective way possible. In my opinion, Franky will only bark at a burglar if he comes in with a bucket folded over his head. But guess who instantaneously transforms in to Franky's advocate every time I voice out my very realistic doubts? *slump*
Well, you can't really help it, this little doggy boy really is one adorable little bundle of energy. He is so full of love, so full of joy that whatever mood you are in, the mere sight of him sets the lopsided mouth in an upward curve. Even Father Dearest who is not so fond of animals btw, has dangerously grown attached to this little chewing machine who digs ditches in his legs when he is wearing shorts and creates holes in all his best sarongs. I suspect that even The Darling with his great philosophies of "dogs belong in the jungle, not in households" has grown fond of this little naughty ball himself ;)
Busy week ahead, what with rehearsals, interviews, trips to the vet, weddings, homecomings, baking cookies and what-not. Regardless of all these things, the Lady is quite enjoying herself reading, writing, dancing and well, enjoying her fully earned lazy days of absolute bliss. What with four years of non-stop running, it is finally time to stretch out those aching limbs and crack those very stiff, very blue knuckles before getting right back in to the rat race again. This is the time for doing all those things that I could not do for the past few years and I believe that I owe myself some mountain climbing, hiking and if possible, squeeze in a little bit of travelling as well. But in the meantime........... *yawnnnnn* , its nap time again :) :) :)
Introducing His Chewingness, Sir Frankenstein Poops-a-lot, named thus for obvious reasons, is the newest member of the prestigious a-lot family, the very center of our universe these days. Today he turned three months old (Happy birthday Franky boyyyyyyy!!!) and was as usual chewing away at anything and everything in sight the last time I saw him.
Unlike most Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Franky-boo has the most adooooorable little pudgy face that I have ever seen. Which was one of the reasons why I picked him out of a litter of 8. He has the most beautiful, curious eyes that give you this quizzical look if you dare do something that he is not accustomed to seeing you do before. And he eats everything from papaya to jack fruit to chickpeas to even kola kandha, the herbal broth made from the juice extracted from various leaves churned together that Mother Dearest swears by as having intense medicinal properties (Um yuck) and even grass (Yes I do wonder sometimes) So guess who is the new household favorite of Mother Dearest these days? *sulk*
As for his ferocious, watch-dog- like qualities, he only barks at buckets these days (not kidding). In this case, the bright orange bucket that Father Dearest uses to water the plants on the balcony. Frankenstein likes to roll it here and there, topple it over and bark at it ferociously while cooking up strategic attacks in his doggy mind as to how to ambush this conniving, highly dangerous bucket in the most effective way possible. In my opinion, Franky will only bark at a burglar if he comes in with a bucket folded over his head. But guess who instantaneously transforms in to Franky's advocate every time I voice out my very realistic doubts? *slump*
Well, you can't really help it, this little doggy boy really is one adorable little bundle of energy. He is so full of love, so full of joy that whatever mood you are in, the mere sight of him sets the lopsided mouth in an upward curve. Even Father Dearest who is not so fond of animals btw, has dangerously grown attached to this little chewing machine who digs ditches in his legs when he is wearing shorts and creates holes in all his best sarongs. I suspect that even The Darling with his great philosophies of "dogs belong in the jungle, not in households" has grown fond of this little naughty ball himself ;)
Busy week ahead, what with rehearsals, interviews, trips to the vet, weddings, homecomings, baking cookies and what-not. Regardless of all these things, the Lady is quite enjoying herself reading, writing, dancing and well, enjoying her fully earned lazy days of absolute bliss. What with four years of non-stop running, it is finally time to stretch out those aching limbs and crack those very stiff, very blue knuckles before getting right back in to the rat race again. This is the time for doing all those things that I could not do for the past few years and I believe that I owe myself some mountain climbing, hiking and if possible, squeeze in a little bit of travelling as well. But in the meantime........... *yawnnnnn* , its nap time again :) :) :)
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Evening of Poetry, Prose and Music!!
Keep the 23rd of November free! Its going to be one heck of an event, I assure you.
Organized by the English Writers' Cooperative of Sri Lanka( which has been churning out great talent since 1988), this is definitely an evening to look forward to. The greatest part of the evening is that you will be able to hear from some of the greatest poets who have paved the way for Sri Lankans writing in English, the very people that have laid the first stones for the strong foundation on which the English writing/ literature of Sri Lanka stands today. I'm sure that if you have at least, even mistakenly sat in an English Literature class for an hour or two, names like Anne Ranasinghe, Yasmin Gooneratne, Vijita Fernando, Punyakante Wijenaike would be all too familiar for your ears. Among these extraordinary icons will be sitting this years Gratian award winner, Mrs Sakuntala Sachithanandan herself.
Just for information (not that its of any importance), the Lady Grouch herself, aka moi-meme, will be reading out some of her own poetry as a part of this distinguished gathering on the 23rd. Time that you heard some poetry from her instead of her grouching around on this and that and everything, don't you think? :P
A few words must be said of this event and why it is so very important to me in a very intimate, personal level. I have grown up with the work of these veteran writers who are, undoubtedly, legends of this long walk of literature that we, as Sri Lankans are proud of. I have grown up with Anne Ranasinghe's, Yasmin Gooneratne's poetry, I have embraced Punyakante's work to my bosom, I have reveled in Vijita Fernando's translations, I have even analysed, dissected their work for my A/L and O/L English literature. They have, indeed been my idols and never would I have even DREAMT of meeting them in person, let along sharing the same stage as them, sitting side by side, reading my work, their work, sharing the same evening, the same vibes of thoughts. Its quite humbling really. And I am just BEYOND feeling honored and gratified. The awestruck bookworm of yesteryears' revel today, in the motherly love of these veteran writers as today, they have indeed become my doting set of second mothers.
Only proof that dreams DO come true if you are serious enough about your aspirations :)
Mrs Vijita Fernando has recently been awarded with the highest award of achievement there is for her service to literature at the State Literary Awards this year and I was over the moon to hear that, she being one of the best people that I have ever met in my 24 years of life. Anne Ranasinghe and Punyakante Wijenaike have also been awarded prestigious titles this year, proof that their work still inspire and touch the hearts of many even today.
Well, there is another reason that it is going to be one HECK of an event. Guess who will be providing the music for the evening? It is none other than TANTRUM themselves! Yes yes I know, quite a unique combination, metal music and poetry, which is why this event is going to be EXTRA special. They are going to play their souls on their strings and the evening is going to take flight and you wouldn't even know what hit you. You just might have to come down and see for yourselves what tricks they have up their sleeves for you ;)
The most atrocious and the most peculiar combinations prove to be the best ensembles that there is. Whether it be people, two forms of art, melodies, etc. All the more reason to look forward to the event, don't you think?
Well, despite this pain in the derriere flu that's been plaguing the Lady for days, I am quite excited about the event! The feedback itself on the event has been awesome so far and is quite heart rendering.
Flu or not, I am walking around on clouds these days. From the moment the doctor prescribed me these ultra bright, multicolored pills for me (seriously, they are like these totally contrasting, bright and cheerful pills that just make you feel better just by looking at them :D )I knew it was going to be a great week :D
Check out the official FB event page and RSVP!!!
Hopefully, see you all there where all things sublime merge on the same horizon of rosy hues and green pastures :)
Organized by the English Writers' Cooperative of Sri Lanka( which has been churning out great talent since 1988), this is definitely an evening to look forward to. The greatest part of the evening is that you will be able to hear from some of the greatest poets who have paved the way for Sri Lankans writing in English, the very people that have laid the first stones for the strong foundation on which the English writing/ literature of Sri Lanka stands today. I'm sure that if you have at least, even mistakenly sat in an English Literature class for an hour or two, names like Anne Ranasinghe, Yasmin Gooneratne, Vijita Fernando, Punyakante Wijenaike would be all too familiar for your ears. Among these extraordinary icons will be sitting this years Gratian award winner, Mrs Sakuntala Sachithanandan herself.
Just for information (not that its of any importance), the Lady Grouch herself, aka moi-meme, will be reading out some of her own poetry as a part of this distinguished gathering on the 23rd. Time that you heard some poetry from her instead of her grouching around on this and that and everything, don't you think? :P
A few words must be said of this event and why it is so very important to me in a very intimate, personal level. I have grown up with the work of these veteran writers who are, undoubtedly, legends of this long walk of literature that we, as Sri Lankans are proud of. I have grown up with Anne Ranasinghe's, Yasmin Gooneratne's poetry, I have embraced Punyakante's work to my bosom, I have reveled in Vijita Fernando's translations, I have even analysed, dissected their work for my A/L and O/L English literature. They have, indeed been my idols and never would I have even DREAMT of meeting them in person, let along sharing the same stage as them, sitting side by side, reading my work, their work, sharing the same evening, the same vibes of thoughts. Its quite humbling really. And I am just BEYOND feeling honored and gratified. The awestruck bookworm of yesteryears' revel today, in the motherly love of these veteran writers as today, they have indeed become my doting set of second mothers.
Only proof that dreams DO come true if you are serious enough about your aspirations :)
Mrs Vijita Fernando has recently been awarded with the highest award of achievement there is for her service to literature at the State Literary Awards this year and I was over the moon to hear that, she being one of the best people that I have ever met in my 24 years of life. Anne Ranasinghe and Punyakante Wijenaike have also been awarded prestigious titles this year, proof that their work still inspire and touch the hearts of many even today.
Well, there is another reason that it is going to be one HECK of an event. Guess who will be providing the music for the evening? It is none other than TANTRUM themselves! Yes yes I know, quite a unique combination, metal music and poetry, which is why this event is going to be EXTRA special. They are going to play their souls on their strings and the evening is going to take flight and you wouldn't even know what hit you. You just might have to come down and see for yourselves what tricks they have up their sleeves for you ;)
The most atrocious and the most peculiar combinations prove to be the best ensembles that there is. Whether it be people, two forms of art, melodies, etc. All the more reason to look forward to the event, don't you think?
Well, despite this pain in the derriere flu that's been plaguing the Lady for days, I am quite excited about the event! The feedback itself on the event has been awesome so far and is quite heart rendering.
Flu or not, I am walking around on clouds these days. From the moment the doctor prescribed me these ultra bright, multicolored pills for me (seriously, they are like these totally contrasting, bright and cheerful pills that just make you feel better just by looking at them :D )I knew it was going to be a great week :D
Check out the official FB event page and RSVP!!!
Hopefully, see you all there where all things sublime merge on the same horizon of rosy hues and green pastures :)
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