Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Thoughts on Independence Day

Its February already!!! And to top it off its (In)dependence Day!

Just some random thoughts that were speeding past my brain, chasing each other's tails all day. I shall try to put some order in this chaos that's in my mind. Writing, or blogging usually helps.

Do pharmacists follow a special course in understanding doctors' handwriting prior to becoming pharmacists? Are they given a special test of ancient Greek letters, caveman scrawlings or toddler scribbles prior to being accepted as a pharmacist? I was trying so hard to understand a prescription that a doctor wrote for me, screwing up my face, frowning at the paper, wiping sweat off my brow and etc, when the pharmacist took it from me and assembled everything without batting an eyelid. I have immense respect for these buggers. They are bloody geniuses!

People in this country should be taught how to cross the road. When the lights turn red for vehicles is when they should cross, not when they turn green for vehicles. When these people casually stroll across the road, hand in hand, munching on kadala/murukku and God knows what not, JUST when the lights turn green for you after waiting SO long at the traffic lights, blissfully unaware of the bulshit of the police that one has to endure, three whellers, mosquitoe-like bikes and the sheer NUMBER of traffic lights that one has to pass when you are hurrying to a certain destination,  makes you want to tear your hair out and bash your own head on the windshield repeatedly while howling like a deranged baboon. Driving aint a cake walk in this country and the people walking about the place make it even more difficult. So annoying.

I think we would be in a completely different place if we were still under colonial rule. I think we all need one person, a single entity, a common enemy to hate and when we've got that, the rest of the country just flock together like a bunch of sweet smelling daisies. Without a common entity to hate, we just turn on one another. I guess people just need something/someone to turn all their anger & frustration towards. I guess hate brings people together. As twisted as it sounds, it totally works.

People are so selfish these days, conniving and cruel that going out of the house is like, in my head, loading my gun and stepping out into a zombie apocalypse. To top it off, people have grown so shallow! Having a descent, meaningful conversation with a fellow human being has become such a rarity that I find myself clinging to such people for dear life! Whether I've become more impatient and judgemental, or people have grown stupid I dunno. 

So I put on my armour of indifference, arm myself with sarcasm, diplomacy(which I'm short of) and plenty of caution and walk on tiptoe as if walking on egg shells. But most of the time, I just don't give a bat's stinking ass. People may think me proud, haughty, arrogant and all the other words in that syntax but hey, works for me.

Maybe life is too fast paced that people have no time for anyone else other than themselves. Maybe times have become so hard that they just skip the surface of life and never bother trying to look beneath the surface. I hope they know that a smile, a kind word, a gentle gesture does indeed go a long, long way. I hope that they are aware that intelligence and thoughtfulness are still very much valued.

Went out to get a shampoo but could not find one since all the shops were closed today. I lost my independence of bathing because of the Independece Day. I was dependent. On the shops, rather the commercial entities of the country. Hmm....interesting. Rather, ironic.

There should be a system where monk behaviour is monitored and certain standards are maintained in order for one to be called a "monk". Situation is such that any crook can put on a robe, get into politics, harass citizens, become the village thugs and etc. Such a noble philosophy as Buddhism cannot be allowed to deteriorate like this because of these morons! I wish somebody would look into these things before things get out of hand.

Still on the look out for that one extremely prodigeous horror movie. However, watched a Korean thriller today and I should say that Koreans sure do know their gore. Respect brothas!

Black is an addictive colour. I love black. Its so comforting. 

I miss dancing, I miss travelling I miss life, that throbbing vivacious thing that I used to call as life that is. Think I'm begining to get a little too comfortable but I'm not the settling type, oh no!  

I'm sleepy. All this structuring of thoughts I am not very used to, hence the tiredness. I should probably catch a wink before dinner. Tata!