Tuesday, November 26, 2013


New resolution. I will try to get at least 7 1/2hrs sleep every day.

Not that I have any trouble falling asleep, oh no. In fact quite the contrary. I can sweetly sleep standing, anytime, anywhere. Its just that bed times are a wee bit sketchy for me and me being the night creature that I am, fond of the night as bats are of ripe jackfruit, end up not getting much of sleep.

And yes, its reflecting on me methinks. I am having occasional memory lapses. Maybe its my selective memory (yes, I'm blessed with the ability to completely delete unnecessary memories) but Darling thinks that I should get more sleep. Hence the resolution.

Besides, it'l be good for me, who knows. Maybe I'l be less eratic & random. Well, there's always wishful thinking.

Been thinking quite a lot lately.

I would like to take an entire week off and just read. Just get lost within words, relax, put my feet up and just be so blissfully lost. No obligations, no commitments, no duties nor responsibilities. I'd just like to, be.

To read, to write, to cook & bake, spend time with the loved ones, listen to good music. Life is wasted on zilch these days. And life is just too precious to be wasted on nothing.

There's just so much of things that I want to do and I'm worried that I may not have enough time to do all that. Then I figured, I could just be a vampire. I'l have all the time in the world!

I'l bite all the people I love and turn them into vampires too. Then we will live happily everafter.

Oh and I also decided to take my baking to the next level. Figured as baking is something that I'l always love doing, why not put the stuff that I bake out there and get some feedback. What's more, if I happen to make any cash out of it at all, I can invest all of that in ingredients (ingredients are bloody expensive these days and was the major driving force for this project) and experiment more. MORE quality time burning my fingers! Having grown up with a health freak mother, I too hav grown used to a certain way of eating - No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives, just go natural and healthy. I guess with the amount of toxins in the environment these days, the best we can do is not consciously consume toxins, eh?

Time to get off my butt and do something worthwhile. It's now or never.