Monday, July 11, 2011

Random bits of life

Been feeling a bit philosophical lately, pondering on life, on its frivolities and most of all, its complexities. Have much to grouch about but hadn't really the time to bitch nor the sufficient amount of blood to boil over the apparent crappiness of the current condition, so I shall just keep my head above the water trying not to drown in the immense amounts of work that our university system has oh-so-generously bestowed upon us hapless mortals which is one reason that I have not written much lately and why my life has transformed itself into a filthy troll parade. Sigh..........................

I find Celtic music soothing. It takes you softly by the hand and leads you up mountains, down valleys and to the middle of enchanted forests, whispering tales of ancient Vikings, long-eared elves, long lost princesses and soft flowing rivers. Never fails to put a smile on my face whatever goose-crapping mood I'm in. I'd recommend it for anyone who appreciates good music.

Writing calms me down. It helps to get it all out and it helps to get lost in my own head and get the mess sorted out once in a while in there. Right now it just looks like this giant mongoose with a sensitive stomach ate up a whole library, a fast food joint and a garbage truck and shitted all over my brain. I'm serious, its that bad.

Well, life............what can I say, it goes on. And I'm just waiting, just waiting and waiting and I don't know what I'm waiting for. Been feeling a little blank lately, sort of like this void widening and I'm waiting. And still I don't know what I'm waiting for. Hopefully its something good. But then there is no good or bad in the world, there are just grey areas which seems black or white in the beginning but after a while the mist clears up. I feel myself withdrawing and going into this protective shell and I don't really know why. I'm just too tired I guess, I have lost three kilos in two days and that is not healthy. Life can do that to you I've heard. I'l be hoping that I'l snap out of it soon and meanwhile, I intend on celebrating the small joys in life and getting back in shape, mentally and physically. Speaking of which, I finally got my hands on that punching bag that I've been after for a while now :)

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