Friday, January 6, 2012


Don't you just LOVE that indescribable feeling of freedom that you experience at the end of a working week? It's like the weekend just stretches right ahead of you and you are under no obligation to work. You can just stretch your limbs and be a lazy ass couch potato without feeling an iota of guilt about it and its just SUCH a fabulous feeling. I'm feelin' the weekend baby!

Work can be quite tiring. You just sit there, starring at the computer screen as if the fate of the human race depended on it, eyes aching, brain twisting to all kinds of pretzel shapes as you analyze one foreign subject (which you have perhaps never heard before) after another, rephrasing, rewriting, twisting, churning, fabricating words, phrases and whole effing sentences, head throbbing, anxious to finish it all off............. At the end of the day, after you have completed your work and you're just heaving that long awaited sigh of relief, if somebody just comes along and screams at you for not doing this, not looking in to that (things that were the last things on your overtly overcrowded mind actually), not even giving the shadow of a thought to how incredibly tired you might be, you just end up feeling sad. Really, really sad.

Not complaining about work actually, I quite enjoy writing. Anyhow, the week is done and the Lady is feeling less Grouchy because the weekend is back baby! After lying on my butt for a whole 4 years at university, working for a living feels quite strange. Specially since I've always been a lazy bum for as long as I can remember :D

Its 3.56 AM and I still don't want to sleep. The weekend feels too precious to waste away sleeping and my brain tells me to savor every second of it while it lasts. And sleeping is just not a part of this super bonanza of freedom. Strange.

Should get a couple of winks now or else I'l be snoozing till my butt shines in all its glory in the full blast of the noon sun. Have some errands to run tomorrow as well. Sigh............There ain't no rest for the wicked, some wise man (men) have once said. I know, I do realize that I've been abandoning the Grouch blog and my poetry lately, but then, c'est la vie. Sigh...................So much to write, so little time :(

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