Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Avrudu sells/sales

The world seems to have gotten louder. Everybody seems to be talking all at once all of a sudden. Loud music blares out at you at every stop, vehicles honk louder, engines roar more intensely and I can barely hear myself think! Granted that it IS the Avrudu season after all, one can indeed say that the loudness is only justified. But was it this loud last Avrudu season too? I don't think so.

Looking at the streets and the rate at which the textile shops are filling up during these days, one starts to wonder if all these people have been naked all this time. Its like suddenly the need for new cloths is so great that they are climbing over one another to get to a yard of material as if to save their lives. However, 'tis the season of drying wallets and anxious faces, fumbling hands digging deep into "sale" boxes, angry women yanking and pulling pieces of cloths among each other as if their lives depended on it, impatient drivers, screeching of breaks and large "Sale" signs fluttering about in the breeze. Makes you wonder really, about the nuances of human nature and observing these things can be quite fun.

Speaking of shopping, happened to wander into a textile store during the weekend quite forgetting the fact that it is the season of the crazies, to find the place inundated with franticos running about, cradling armfuls of cloths and holding onto them for dear life. Dressing rooms & women I tell u.... Why they need open the door and model every single piece of clothing in the store for their bfs/men when there's a long queue waiting outside, fidgeting about till their turn in the dressing rooms I'l never understand! Is it the fact that these women cannot make a decision by themselves or do they just want to pose around for the man? Well, its not like the opinion of the men matters anyways, the woman always end up doing what they please while the men folk shuffle their feet behind them looking so forlorn, carrying armfuls/bagfuls of stuff that they are supposed to pay for at the end of the whole excruciating exercise. They look tortured, the poor souls. The only happy-looking men I found in the men's section of the store, enjoying the solitary experience, dabbling in a bit of retail therapy by themselves, far far away from the nagging female presence that irks the male existence somewhere else in the store.  

See, this is exactly why I prefer to do my own shopping, rather than drag around a bored looking male companion. The look of sheer pain on their faces pain me too *shudder*

Avrudu sells good this season. It passes from hand to hand in the form of coloured notes issues from the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and sells itself like a common prostitute over blaring speakers and thundering radio broadcasts. Its like a passing illness that causes the crowds to wander the streets like zombies and instead of brains, these zombies consume consumer goods and rather mercilessly too, very unceremoniously.

Oh well, the unbearable heat has subsided the tiniest bit. Let us see how it behaves over the coming couple of weeks. 

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