Saturday, August 3, 2013

Inspired - In a tuk tuk

Written in a tuk tuk -

It is a truth universally acknowledged that tuk tuks are the bane of every driver's life. They wriggle their way through anything, come rain or shine, they wriggle, wriggle wriggle, a puff of smoke, a high pitched honk and they are gone, just like that. They scratch the body of your hard earned vehicle, knock the side mirrors off, stop abruptly, turn as they wish, cut in front of you, at the side of you, just behind you, etc, setting your nerves on fire while controlling yourself from getting out of the vehicle and boxing their ears good seems practically impossible.

But at times of extreme traffic one is simply driven to depend on this amazing wriggling power of these micro vehicles. The way they squeeze in between vehicles and just slide through the entire honking mess defies all kinds of physics ever known to the mankind. They know the shadiest routes, the seediest joints and they know the best bargains in town. They are well updated on traffic patterns and some even have their own little traffic networks to inform them of their traffic. They are quick to fling their arms around and curse but they are as innocent as milk sucking toddlers in front of policemen. Whatever said and done, they will get you to places in time, every time.

Great plastic grapevines hang from their dashboards while twinkling lights blink in this crazy pattern of dance, sometimes to the rhythm of the blaring music player, keeping time with the many potholes that the driver drops the tuk in. Cherubic toddlers and the like stare at you from the tin walls sometimes creeping you out. They do what they can, to make their little modest palaces on three wheels as attractive as possible.

These people are often philosophical and most of the time quirky with a blatant smartass streak. They are convinced that "Che Guevara want you to rebel" and I've never really figured out this obsession with Che or Bob Marley. Sometimes they offer advise while othertimes they just lather their attitude on you rather generously. The many quotes and anecdotes found all over these mini vehicles deserve a different post altogether. Its something to look forward to while on the streets and I think all other vehicles should follow their example and plaster some words of wisdom on their vehicle bodies as well. I mean honestly, its all paint and polish out there with just the tuk tuks providing all the entertainment. How very drab!

Anyways, the point being, I like tuk tuks. They are there for you in good and bad times and will take you wherever you want to go, down the narrowest alleyways and across the seediest neighbourhoods. These bumpy rides end up being quite enlightning (perhaps as a result of the brain being jiggled up and down everytime it falls into a pothole) at the same time giving you backpain (in the process of the brain being jiggled, your spinal code gets jiggled up too). Nevertheless, Viva Las tuk tuks! May you transport us, bth physically and mentally for many many years to come!  

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