Sunday, May 15, 2011

Acceptance and the no no lands of la la nothingness

     Why is it that mother's are so extremely fond of the word "no"? They start replying a question with the word "no" even if it could be something as harmless as taking a lid off a jar, etc. I noticed a little boy in the super market today who eagerly picked off a bag of cookies from a shelf and ran swiftly to his mother. Then he asked the weirdest question. "Mom we DON'T want this noh?" As expected I saw the mother shake her head. The little boy's head drooped, but he continued bravely towards the cookie isle, kept the bag on the rack, looked at it wistfully and sighed. I felt sorry for the little guy. I mean, it's just a packet of cookies right? Rs 50-60 max. Why couldn't she buy it for him? Besides the boy looked as skinny as a malnourished bean stalk. He should eat more.

                                    It has come to the point that even little kids are convinced of getting rejected that they ask questions in the negative anyway from their mothers. Oh well, at least it doesn't destroy their egos and self-respect at such a tender age.
                                          But some of us more nitty-gritty, headstrong creatures eventually get used to this vicious cycle of no-no's and get used to doing things their way despite the usual avalanche of chiding, reprimanding and chewing off of heads that follows. Mother Dearest being the queen of all "no-no"s, I am one of those frequent avalanche victims who has developed with time the incredible ability to block out all apocalyptic consequences, banshee screams and all. The system includes a built-in pair of super tight ear plugs. If Mother Dearest had her way, I would still be in my fluffy pink culottes munching on a carrot stick, buried away in an ancient book cupboard and sprouting books from arms and legs. Or worse, married and cooking for half a dozen kids! :O

                                        Ah! Stopped mid-post and went to FB only to come across this interesting thread of comments on a pic. Two stoned dudes grin foolishly through half closed eyes in to a cam and one guy's fiancĂ©e has commented that she does not like the fact that he loses it like this. Then along comes this infuriated male individual (who is nowhere related to the pic btw) defending HIS "freedom" of getting drunk, incredibly serious and offended (why??) and attacking each and everyone who commented on that particular picture. And along comes this bunch of girls who were curious to know who drove a spiked spear up his ass and asked for a definition of freedom from this seeming-to-know-it-all individual (trust me, the curiosity and bafflement is justified) whom he continues to slander personally. It was rather amusing, in a twisted kind of way of course. I know as a fact that the above mentioned male individual is going through a rough patch in his life being dumped by a long term girlfriend, drinking himself to oblivion and losing his job because of that, etc. While it is ok to grieve, sob and sulk away, write poems, novels and even make movies venting out all that fury and that bowel-frying rage, why attack unsuspecting individuals on social networks or anywhere else for that matter? I have observed that the majority of males AND females who thus oh-so-passionately defend their "freedom" are either single and desperate or suffering in a dysfunctional relationship that emasculates them so that they are driven by a want to control the lives of all others around them. Or they are just dealing with low self esteem issues. Sad really.

                                  Amusing how people will never learn to mind their own business and make complete fools of themselves in the process. Relationships are complicated enough. You don't really need someone else coming in and effing it up for you :D

                                        As long as we are on the topic of alcohol and its "liberating" properties, perhaps it is my girly psychology that prevents me from seeing what this "freedom" is that our unlike-minded opposite sex gains from being stoned to the point of not being able to locate their own urinal organs. And the collective desire of these bizarre beings in wanting to poison the bodies of their so-called-buddies with the ultimate intention of male-bonding (just because they love each other so very much *smooch smooch*) is even more baffling. While it's a great feeling to feel buzzed beyond belief, why poison ourselves in the process? But then, not everybody can get high on fresh air like myself I suppose. Ah, let the poor souls have their fun and poison themselves once in a while. They deserve it.

                                                                           It's true, I'm quite capable of finding my way to the la-la land with the aid of zero toxic substances at any given time. Don't get me wrong, I'm no alcohol prude because I've had my share of fun in getting piss drunk and surviving through hangovers that sucks gorilla balls. I made the conscious choice to abstain from hard liquor because I love myself too much to stuff toxins in my system and watch it slowly whither away. I love my loved ones too and would hate to see their systems being thus corrupted too because I consider them a part of my own being (maternal instinct?), but if it's their conscious decision to poison themselves, so be it. I cannot change the world. Nor am I willing to limit another human being's idea of "fun". It's just not me.

                                   I guess that's the problem with us Asian ladies, in particular, Sri Lankan ladies. We are instinctively maternal when it comes to our loved ones and would fuss and cluck around them like Mother hens, making sure they ate right, slept right and were properly taken care of when they fell sick. Our conscience screams blue murder at ourselves if we neglect a loved one, making sure that he/she is righteously and properly looked after. No wonder us dark-skinned ladies are in high favor of the foreigner folk.

                                 Enough typing I suppose. Blogger was down yesterday and today when it was finally up again, I couldn't remember what I wanted to write about. Never mind, found plenty to write about anyway. Going through a meditation phase these days and loving how it makes me feel. It's like slowly and gradually you are learning to accept life as it is, coming in to acceptance about things that one cannot change and making conscious decisions if those things affect one's life in a negative way and learning to let go however hard it may be. It's so calming and peaceful and it makes you sit quietly and watch, observe and take mental notes which will help making future decisions easier without getting your feather's ruffled up. I'm at peace. Finally. And strong enough to face whatever consequences throw at my face with my head held high. That is one thing that life has taught me. To be strong. Because when you fall, nobody will be there to catch you except your one of your own hands propped on the floor to keep your own precious head from hitting the floor :)




Closed said...

You know what? I agree with this and I guess I am still that kid who had to abandon the cookies a the shelf.

Well parents think that by doing this they can teach us to not waste but the reality is that we end up wasting anyway, especially once grown up.
Also it'll come to a point that you even stop asking for things you really need. :S

lady grouch-a-lot said...

Don't you think that the kids who were forced to obey rigid and suffocating rules grow up to be quite the law-breakers and over-rebellious than the ones who were brought up in a not-so-rigid atmosphere? It's sad really how the parents don't realize this fact. After all, they too were kids once.