Thursday, August 4, 2011

Frustration, frustration........and gigs! :D

Right now, even sitting down, opening up a book and burying my nose in it makes me want to scream. In fact, I'd rather do ANYTHING other than just sit here trying to remember which amendment to the Constitution took away people's right of picking their noses, picking other people's noses, scratching their butts, etc. Sigh...... I need a way to let out the frustration and what better way to let it all out other than a gig! And preferably metal at that. Sigh........

Gigs. I usually associate them with cigarette smoke, flying, whipping hair, booming, screeching voices, Darling's arms wrapped tightly around my waist and reverberating loudspeakers of awesome, awesome music. Right now, going to one, losing myself in the midst of the haze of cigarette smoke and the gamuts of those divinely inspired extra-scrumptioulicious music and the tempestuous sea of bobbing heads and hurtling bodies seems so very sinfully sacrosanct. And that childlike open-mouthed, sparkling eyes expression on The Darling's face at the opening chords of a mind-blowing guitar solo (which I had tried to capture on camera so many times but miserably failed) just makes my day :D Coming home in the middle of the night, cruising through the darkness with your significant other, smooching at each traffic light and shocking the pedestrians ( well, can't help it folks:P) , hair smelling strongly of cigarette smoke that just does not go away until you wash your hair the next day, fearing what your parent's reactions might be if they dare to sniff you out is another adrenaline pumping experience. Waking up the next morning with a huge-ass grin on your face, half-deaf with last night's music still ringing through your head, hair still smelling of cigarette smoke is well, nothing compares. Although I do wonder, if it is possible for someone like yours truly ( who is a non-smoker and a non-drinker btw) to get lung cancer just by inhaling these monstrous fumes that are trapped in an enclosed space with no chance of a waft of fresh air to get in. As much as I hate the smoke, I do have to admit that they give that much needed dream-like misty atmosphere that a gig, for me, is all about.

Why gigs? Because its the only place that gives you that head-pounding, jaw-shattering musical experience that you so crave for at certain points in your life. When the sugary-sweet, soft and mushy, all lovey-dovey sort of music just makes you want to gag, throw up fifteen times and smash the source of the sickly-sweet with your bare fists, metal is the ultimate lullaby that appeases the monster within. I've always thought of heavy metal as the one type of music that lets the individual voice out their rage, the anger, the frustration, the raw passion that resides deep within. Mother Dearest always says that we are so angry because we are constantly listening to "loud, angry, violent type of music" But isn't it so that we are listening to "loud, angry, violent sort of music" BECAUSE we are feeling angry and rebellious inside?

That of course is my personal opinion based on my personal experience as a music lover of all genres. One is free to oppose of course. My choice of music depends on the mood :)

Metal emerged as a result of the suffering of the people, the rebel against the crushing weight of the suffocating  monarchy, the church, the governments. Metal emerged as a result of the rebellious souls who dared raise their voices above the drone of the system-worshiping parrots. And hence the perpetual presence of the devil and anarchy in their lyrics and the divine loudness of the music. Which we adore of course.

Although metal music became a trend and a rather popular subculture in later years, its uncanny that still, the people who flock around it ( I mean the ones who genuinely admire the music, not the wanna-be-rock stars who polish boots, wash and iron the cloths of band members with the hope of becoming a rock star one day cz that will make them look "cool") are people who are sensitive to what goes on around them. They are sensitive to the suffering around them and the suffocation that's causing it and subconsciously, they are attracted to the seemingly violent lyrics, the music which soothes and appeases. No wonder. Its the kind of music that speaks to your depths. No sugar coating here, no shallow words.  

Which is why I prefer a gig to let off steam after a nerve-wracking exam any season. The feeling of collective raw passion, people grabbing hold of complete strangers and head banging in unison just makes you feel that you belong. You are part of this passionate, sensitive minority that dare to feel, that dare to voice out what they feel, that dare not to draw a veil over the reality and face the ugly. Besides, its the only place that you get to see so much hair flying all over the place, curly hair, straight hair, wavy hair, dreadlocks, colored, highlighted ( you name it, they got it) split ends gleaming in the spot lights, sometimes whipping across your face, sweat beads gleaming like diamonds in semi-darkness. Sigh...... That would be ideal right now, the absolutely scrumptious music, the complex orgasmic guitar riffs, the drums bada-booming for their sheer life..........bliss.

Ok, so the purpose of this blog post was to let out my frustration and the fact that I would very much like to blow my ears off this very evening but I went on an unintended eulogy on metal which was not my intention at all. While I intend to rush, gush and drool over the merits and the euphoria of the whole metal subculture some other day, I should really get back to the books right now. Arghh!! somebody please kill me!! :S

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