Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunny days, where art thou!

Sitting in the balcony letting the thoughts run awash. Its finally shining. Well barely. And hence the breezy thought provocation.

The sky is strangely bland. Not a cloud in sight. It's strangely depressing, somewhat empty and stale. Its the kind of a decrepit stale you find in deserted colonial inns and empty hotel rooms that had just been vacated. Its the feeling you get when you are on the verge of leaving a country that has begun to grow on you but which you hadn't initially liked. When the rain is absent I miss the rain. When the sun is absent, I miss the sun. Why can't we have both, the sun and the rain? Both at the same time preferably. But alas, no such luxury can be ours.

The sunlight is sickly still. Does not shine in its full and abundant glory. And here I am longing for sunny days.

Or heavy and thundering showers.

Anything but this dull, gloomy moderation that seems to suck out energy and joy.

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