Saturday, January 19, 2013


Why is it that the victims in all these horror movies insist on running in the middle of the road when they are being chased by a car (or truck or bulldozer, etc)? Why doesn't it ever occur to them that they should get off the road (at least run on the pavement like a good pedestrian should) or run into one of the gazillion buildings that line the either side of the road when the killer is trying to run them down? It's annoying just to watch. And then they scream like its the Goddamned apocalypse when they are being run down. Idiots.

Why is it that it always happens that the bad guy, whether it be a cold-blooded serial killer, a chainsaw-bearing blood thirsty wackjob, or a saintly looking creep with pedophile tendencies just happen to listen to metal music? The twisted ones always have rock music blaring out of their beat up campers (why do they have to live in beat up campers in the first place?) Is metal music the music of the bad people I ask? Or is it supposed to twist one's mind to the point of lusting after blood extracted the most imaginative way possible? Honestly, its insulting!

Well at least they are extremely creative in their murders. So maybe that is a comfort (or is it a discomfort? *scratching head*).

And I think that wars are much more interesting when fought with swords, spears, bows and arrows and the like. Guns, bombs and nuclear weapons are SO boring! The modern man has become a regular lazy bum. No wonder Gerard Butler, despite his ridiculous costume of cape and underwear in 300 manage to look so friggin' hot! *swoon*

If I became the ruler of the universe, I would destroy all guns, missiles and nuclear weapons. Wars shall be fought with muscle, sword, bow and arrow and the like. If a nation dares use guns and modern day warfare, I will annihilate their entire nation. I mean come on. There is no real purpose to war anyway. So at least make this utter pointless occasion of people killing other people a little more enjoyable for the others to watch eh?

Also, its a legendary fact specially in Sri Lankan cinema and television that the bad guys are long haired and bearded  They often have piercings and tattoos to go along with it too. about stereotyping!

And why is it that good ideas always come when ur just about to fall asleep? You have to drag yourself out of bed just so you can jot them down lest you should forget afterwards (like I always do).

Sound of the household waking up. Dearest Darling parents wrestling a slipper out of Frankenstein's (Frankenstein chews-a-lot- my Doggy Dearest) jaws while bribing him with his morning bowl of milk. Frankenstein in his daily frantic round of early morning exercise. (mad dog running while being chased by a knife-bearing leprechaun I call it) Well, happy sights and sounds :)

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