Monday, November 1, 2010

If anyone's interested...

I just realized that I haven’t blabbed on this blog of mine for quite a while.And yes,I also do realize that I have been sulking away quite a lot lately and looking at it now,I realize how much of a sourpuss I have been and that just makes me flinch.Well,what can I do,the past month had been,well…I had actually never seen anything like it before.First there was the exams and then there was something else and suddenly my life had converted itself in to his whole big ball of twisted yarn,scrambled eggs and  Bam!,I suddenly find myself right in the middle of a blockbuster movie that would have destroyed,shattered and trampled down box office records and made even Steven Spielberg wince with pain.There was drama,there was suspense,there was romance and unprecedented pain and a whirlwind of emotions that would have possibly thrown you in to a nervous breakdown from which you would have never recovered. And I would have taken a smug little bow right at the front of that movie theater which by now will be brimful of mumbling idiots who have flipped their limit of endurance and gone bonkers and are trying to climb the walls with terrified expressions on their faces and ahhhh……I can just feel the glory brushing past me only to return and bitch-slap me full in the face …Ha! Wouldn’t I have been a VERY happy director indeed to cart them all off to a loony bin! I could just imagine my Oscar moment,or even my Nobel prize moment…who the hell knows!
Anyhooo,I’m here live and kicking with the uni closed(again) and vacations underway but with two pain-in-the-you-know-what assignments clawing at my back,digging their unnaturally sharp and dirty finger nails in.Honestly,have you ever heard of the sort of vacation where you have to be stuck at home completing these stale,foul-smelling,outdated assignments squinting at the computer screen,cursing the day that assignments were born? (Or rather the whole education system that drains the life blood out of us poor hapless students like demented vampires who had been starved for centuries and centuries of dreadful loneliness) which brings me to another one of my favorite topics..Halloweeeeeeeeeeeeen!!
Yesterday,or rather the day before yesterday was Halloween and it was over before any of us could even utter a mere “Boo!”. That was unfair considering the fact that it is the only day of the year that most of us citizens of the freak-ville could let ourselves go and really be our weird freaky selves for once.And I’m wondering,does anyone even know the real origin of Halloween and what it stands for other than just dressing up in the freakiest outfits that you could muster up and haunting the various,supposedly trendy clubs that so lavishly endorse in these “Halloween parties”?  Honestly,the dead would be wailing balefully,tossing and turning in their graves by now,mourning the decline of the only day of the year that had been dedicated in their name.Honestly,isn’t it bad enough that they are dead already?
Well,enough said,I’m feeling rather noddish right now.Its been a hell of a month and I feel it still taking it’s toll on me.Well,as the old(or not so old) idiom goes,what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger(which doesn’t apply to most diseases I suppose),I guess I emerged out of it older and wiser and hopefully,a whole lot less stupider than before.It taught me to appreciate a few things that I’ve always sort of taken for granted because they have always been there for me without any lapse.Like my family for example.I have realized that when the whole world walks out,and even you yourself have given up on you and leave yourself to just wither away and die,it is only your family which will always be there for you through thick and thin.I am so very grateful to whoever is up there for blessing me with such a wonderful,life giving family who I know so very well will always be there to catch me when I fall.And even if they are not quick enough to catch me before I fall,they will at least pick me up,clean and nurse the wounds till I heal and be my arms,legs and body till I shall be able to walk again.God has been good to me.He always has.And I feel grateful,I really do.So instead of complaining, for once I shall make this an opportunity to thank God for bestowing me with such a blessed life.So thank you God. Even though life does throw heavy,rather irksome burdens such as exams and assignments and other crappy things your way,just remember folks that there is a silver line in every dark cloud.And God never lets you down.All you got to do is have a bit of faith,close your eyes and pray.Miracles do happen.And everything will be as it should be sooner or later :)

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