Sunday, April 10, 2011

Still alive! Yeey!!

Well, Lady Grouchalot is once more up and about on her feet I fear. She did not die, unfortunately for some people :)

Anyways, here's a BIG, tight hug to EVERYONE who were kind enough to leave a message, drop a text, a call (even if I did not answer the phone sometimes. Sowiee!) who inquired and made demands that I take this, do not eat this, do not drink that, drink this, eat more of that and when I ate more of that coaxed me to stuff myself senseless and everyone who fussed and clucked about me all these days. Yes it was annoying at times and Mother Dearest suffered the most from my mood swings and general annoyance at being fussed over, but I know it was all out of love.

The Darling is quite the miracle worker me thinks. It's like every time he's around, (and he's been around quite a lot ever since I have been sick) he transmits a little bit of his energy on to me. If such a short amount of time is capable of transferring that kind of energy, imagine what a straight month or years with him around would do. Oh I would be doing all sorts of umm....creative and innovative things with that sort of energy. Yes.........Interesting..... :D

But then I feel like a dementor or a succubus that sucks off energy off people that I come in to contact with. Did that sound weird? Mua ha ha ha ha! Of course not! :P

Something to do with the healing effect he has on me I guess. Like they say, love performs miracles on everyday basis. Yes, we do fight and hiss at each other like cats and dogs sometimes too( both being full blooded, passionate individuals, we can't help it. Life's just too boring without the drama :D ), but just one and a half hour of merely lying there in your beloved's arms lifeless, before you know it(and as your folk watched open mouthed), people who were barely capable of walking across a room without staggering are suddenly prancing around, making cheese and mushroom omlettes for dinner! :D

You do not need any verbal verifications. You just feel the love. It's just there, in every touch, in every breath, in every gaze. It's in the urgency of his voice when he asks if there's any progress in health or how he hurries to see you every day, even though you know it's extra trouble for him. And that confirmation is enough ground for miracles, even to pull somebody off their death beds. That I have discovered of late. And every day we learn. We learn of miracles, of reasons, of hope and dreams, how they make us live. I guess that's what we live on, on hopes and dreams. Ok,I'l just stop being sappy now :D

Even went for law classes in the morning and realized how much I missed them! International law and covenants were discussed in brief today, whose ambiguity which I found rather fascinating. And then, along came a spot test that I did NOT see coming. Must start studying soon. But then Uni exams are not over yet, much less the dreaded assignments which I have been putting off quite comfortably. Sigh........

Feels like I have been enveloped in this sweet, soft cocoon of blissful oblivion for so, very long. No wonder since I have been sleeping my life away, parading among the waterfalls and the forests of Rivendell, dancing with elves, hobbits and scrumptious looking lost kings (sigh..Aragorn! <3 ) for the past one and half a week or so. Today as I came out of the woods in to the real world, I was struck with the gravity of the situation amplified by the weight of work to be done. Sigh......So much work, so little time.............

Yes well, I'm back anyway. For better or for worse. Better start working soon as I do not intend to go mad by the end of this year with the sheer thesis pressure. Baudelaire BETTER be good to me, or else!!!

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