When I was in kindergarten, everybody around me wanted to be doctors. I just stared blankly in to space clueless as hell but also wondering whether with everybody becoming doctors, wouldn't there be a dire lack of patients if it goes on like this. Thus I chose to play the patient, patiently awaiting their high and mighty opinions and occasionally, their high and mighty attitudes as well.
Been to the hospital to donate blood recently as a very very close friend of the family was undergoing a bypass operation and me being the regular donor that I am (donated 4 times already *collars up*) jumped at the chance. Through a labyrinth of corridors and staircases and in to the blood bank we went, only to be greeted by.....well, no one. After a while what appeared to be a nurse, brows furrowed and looking as if we asked for a pint of her own blood, waddles in leisurely, not giving a rat's ass about the fact that there are three people here who has been waiting around for a considerable amount of time and starts leafing through a stack of newspaper (yes, newspapers). It was after one of us went and probed her that she decided to turn her reluctant and still frowning eye balls towards us. She looks me up and down disapprovingly as I stare at her amused, grabs a form and tells us to sit down in an annoyingly authorial tone, orders me to get on the scale and grumbles at me for being on the margin of being a blood donor (WTF?!?!?) all in her customary eternal scowl of course. As I sat there observing her face, I wondered why even though she works at the blood bank, nobody has even considered giving her a pint or two of blood as her face clearly lacked it. I wondered if she was born that way or whether her mother had dropped her on her face as a baby that her features seemed to have locked themselves in an eternal frown of utter irritation. Slamming the blood donation form upon the table (yes, slamming) she goes about her way ruffling through the newspapers again, blatantly ignoring our presence there. Florence nightingale just swallowed her own tongue and died a second death in her grave.
Only to discover that my blood shall not be accepted since I had a tooth filling done that day.The English and the Sinhala donation forms contradicted each other while the Sinhala form confused the reader beyond rocketing golf balls and the English form only mentioned tooth "extraction" as a factor that would prevent blood donation. The nurses argued that a filling fell under "tooth extraction" category while we wondered whether they just needed English lessons, a whole new medical training or just a day in life of a living breathing human being to learn about humanity, etiquette, manners and how to talk to people, without barking at them for once.
All in all, amidst the general confusion of one less blood donor, at which one of The Darling's best friends volunteered ever so generously to fill the void which meant such a huge lot, (bless his soul). But then the doctors in charge were missing in action and The Brother Dearest proposed a raid in all the bars of the area to find them as we had been there from one o' clock and hadn't seen a tick of a doctor within those 3hrs. After complaining to the management, another doctor was appointed and the donors who had come from their offices during their lunch breaks had to apply for a half day's leave instead. And we wondered whether the hospital had suddenly been taken in to the government as we remember it being a private one where we have to pay a fortune to get the treatments done.
By all means, a bypass is a bypass and not a bloody pimple which you can squeeze out later and wait for it to dry out. One is entitled to constant guidance if not, even a written document of guidelines to follow throughout the process. The blood donors must be alerted at least a day before hand instead of suddenly being summoned within a couple of hours to be drained of one whole pint of blood as it was the case for us. The hospital is the last resort to many of us non-doctors out there and it is no secret that we go there in our moment of peril and desperation when all other means of a cure had failed. So the question arises as to how humane are these so called medical practitioners to inject lethal doses of their high and mighty attitudes to the hapless patients who have no other choice than to bear up with them in their hour of need. Florence Nightingale and Hippocrates must be turning in their graves right now.
Sri Lanka is one of the few countries which offer the enormous luxury of free education. It is the ordinary citizen who pay for one's education with their own sweat and blood, it is the common people who nourish one's mind and facilitate them with the necessary knowledge and the wisdom to aid them obtain good social status in the society, hoping that they will render a service to the community in return. If one turns around and harasses, ignores and abandons the very people who have nourished them in their hour of need, how in the devil's name are these people supposed to deal with the invalids who need their love and care? Maybe they traded their humanity with the devil for their medical qualifications. How else can you explain the lack of humanity in these individuals?
If this was the case in a so called private hospital where one has to mortgage their own house and their neighbor's house too in order to get treatments, I wonder if the medical professionals in government hospitals just wait around watching TV and eating popcorn while people drop dead all around them. Maybe things are better there, maybe not. I guess I will have to find out.
Maybe that is how the word "patient" came in to being. Patients shall always be patient and patiently tolerate all the sacred, much pined after bullshit of these coveted professionals. Patients shall always be patient until one day, someone shall get fed up of all this crappy diddly-squat and decide to go plastic surgery on one of these eternally frowning faces.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Conquering the ah-choo lands
Lady Grouch is blowing awayyy!! For all you pervy minds out there, its her own nose she's blowing. Geez people, get your heads out of your asses! :P
Seems like all the people in the household are in sniffles these days. Sniffles being an underestimation, its more like colossal, tree-wrenching hurricanes of sneezing fits that blow through the house these days and its all Brother Dearest's fault. Not that ice cream fiestas at midnight had anything to do with it. We are, by birth, champion sneezers, all of us I mean. And The Darling too fits in to this category just perfectly for he too possesses the 670 horse power sneeze that despoils coconut trees of leaves, nuts and everything else despoil-able. Lets just say I've found my partner in sneezes among many other things :D
Haven't touched a book in ages and feeling all guilty about it. Not that I do anything significant about the guilt. Guilt makes me sleepy. If you need procrastination lessons, I'd say come find me. I seem to have mastered the art.
Off to do something productive. Well, at least I'm gonna try. Willing to exchange my nose with someone else for a couple of days by the way, promise I'l take it back when the sneezing ceases to knock the socks off mountains. Not that there are any mountains here where I live. I seem to have been under a gibberish spell lately. Sneezing does that to you I've heard. Well, not really. There I go again. Better get some sleep. Good night boogers and snotty noses! :)
Seems like all the people in the household are in sniffles these days. Sniffles being an underestimation, its more like colossal, tree-wrenching hurricanes of sneezing fits that blow through the house these days and its all Brother Dearest's fault. Not that ice cream fiestas at midnight had anything to do with it. We are, by birth, champion sneezers, all of us I mean. And The Darling too fits in to this category just perfectly for he too possesses the 670 horse power sneeze that despoils coconut trees of leaves, nuts and everything else despoil-able. Lets just say I've found my partner in sneezes among many other things :D
Haven't touched a book in ages and feeling all guilty about it. Not that I do anything significant about the guilt. Guilt makes me sleepy. If you need procrastination lessons, I'd say come find me. I seem to have mastered the art.
Off to do something productive. Well, at least I'm gonna try. Willing to exchange my nose with someone else for a couple of days by the way, promise I'l take it back when the sneezing ceases to knock the socks off mountains. Not that there are any mountains here where I live. I seem to have been under a gibberish spell lately. Sneezing does that to you I've heard. Well, not really. There I go again. Better get some sleep. Good night boogers and snotty noses! :)
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Busy times, happy times :)
Ah...busy day. It just seems like the Lady Grouch gets up in the morning sets her feet on the ground and the hours just fast forward themselves automatically from then on wards. Partly due to the fact that the Brother Dearest is making us drive throughout the country, dragging us here and there and everywhere and the world just doesn't seem to stop whizzing past. Life has never been quiet with him, it still isn't.
The Darling's father has undergone surgery and is at the moment, hospitalized and recovering. Nothing major and there is absolutely nothing to worry about, the doctor assured us. I think he is quite enjoying the holiday in bed, what with The Darling's mother by his side, showering him with affection, surrounded by love and attention. He looked so innocently asleep, clasping his hands together like a child as he came out of the operation theater the day before yesterday, looked around widening his eyes just like The Darling does after waking up from a deep sleep, trying to register what is happening around him. Now I know where The Darling gets his wide-eyed, bewildered stare that usually comes just when he opens his eyes after sleeping or when he is too sleepy to take notice what's going on around him. The Darling is so like his father sometimes. Yesterday The Uncle was up and about and looking quite bored but other than that, he was perfectly alright, bless his soul. I really do feel for The Darling's Mother, the gentle soul that she is, tending to her husband's needs ever so patiently. She too has been there for two days now and well, lets just say that she is the perfect person to look after him. The bond between them is just so incredibly sweet.
There is a certain way that The Uncle looks at The Aunty. When he looks at her, his nose does this funny twitching thing which looked so familiar and his eyes go all round and moist and I wondered where I have seen it all before. And then I remembered that The Darling does the same thing with his eyes and the nose when he looks at me. Noticing this for the first time in his father, I felt a warm glow inside. The love needed no convictions, simply watching his parents reacting to one another was enough and I just knew that this is what we'l be like in another thirty years or so, somewhat lacking the youthfulness of the twenties but still so deeply in love. Like I said, The Darling and his father share so many similar traits. And I needed no third eye to see that he feels the same way towards me, as his father does towards his mother.
Had a lovely day yesterday out with the family and The Darling and we ended up ditching the family and going for a shopping spree on our own. Dudes really are lazy shoppers but come on, you have to show SOME sort of enthusiasm when they are shopping for themselves right? But nope, the male species are just biologically immune to the virtues and wonders of shopping I guess.
Life is just too funny it seems. One moment you are the kind of friends that tease each other and call each other names and the next, you are in love, hopelessly, madly and deeply, convinced that there is no other life beyond this feeling. And then your Brother Dearest too barges in to the scene and he too fits so perfectly in to this happy family portrait and there we have one perfect little family of our own. Life's just too funny for words. But then, there is no saying when that family portrait could fall and break in to a million pieces too, damaging it beyond any sort of miraculous repair.
Life's just too funny I guess :)
The Darling's father has undergone surgery and is at the moment, hospitalized and recovering. Nothing major and there is absolutely nothing to worry about, the doctor assured us. I think he is quite enjoying the holiday in bed, what with The Darling's mother by his side, showering him with affection, surrounded by love and attention. He looked so innocently asleep, clasping his hands together like a child as he came out of the operation theater the day before yesterday, looked around widening his eyes just like The Darling does after waking up from a deep sleep, trying to register what is happening around him. Now I know where The Darling gets his wide-eyed, bewildered stare that usually comes just when he opens his eyes after sleeping or when he is too sleepy to take notice what's going on around him. The Darling is so like his father sometimes. Yesterday The Uncle was up and about and looking quite bored but other than that, he was perfectly alright, bless his soul. I really do feel for The Darling's Mother, the gentle soul that she is, tending to her husband's needs ever so patiently. She too has been there for two days now and well, lets just say that she is the perfect person to look after him. The bond between them is just so incredibly sweet.
There is a certain way that The Uncle looks at The Aunty. When he looks at her, his nose does this funny twitching thing which looked so familiar and his eyes go all round and moist and I wondered where I have seen it all before. And then I remembered that The Darling does the same thing with his eyes and the nose when he looks at me. Noticing this for the first time in his father, I felt a warm glow inside. The love needed no convictions, simply watching his parents reacting to one another was enough and I just knew that this is what we'l be like in another thirty years or so, somewhat lacking the youthfulness of the twenties but still so deeply in love. Like I said, The Darling and his father share so many similar traits. And I needed no third eye to see that he feels the same way towards me, as his father does towards his mother.
Had a lovely day yesterday out with the family and The Darling and we ended up ditching the family and going for a shopping spree on our own. Dudes really are lazy shoppers but come on, you have to show SOME sort of enthusiasm when they are shopping for themselves right? But nope, the male species are just biologically immune to the virtues and wonders of shopping I guess.
Life is just too funny it seems. One moment you are the kind of friends that tease each other and call each other names and the next, you are in love, hopelessly, madly and deeply, convinced that there is no other life beyond this feeling. And then your Brother Dearest too barges in to the scene and he too fits so perfectly in to this happy family portrait and there we have one perfect little family of our own. Life's just too funny for words. But then, there is no saying when that family portrait could fall and break in to a million pieces too, damaging it beyond any sort of miraculous repair.
Life's just too funny I guess :)
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Smiles :)
Brother Dearest shall be landing his stinking feet upon the Sri Lankan soil in approximately 5hrs (well, approximately) and I just can't wait!! Well, this is the first time in about a year (?) that I'm seeing his annoying, bossy face and I'm running up the walls too excited to contain myself.He's bringing me chockies n goodies!!!! :D
Yeah well, he should cz I'm his only Sissy Dearest and well, he does pet me a great deal. And I too am awfully fond of him regardless of the occasional pinching, punching, biting and screaming session that often takes place of course. I still remember how we end up fighting and when the parents pitch in to separate us, we two gang up on them and walk off in to the sunset hand in hand, tending to each other's bite and pinch wounds. Awwww....happy times. Sigh............ :)
Its amazing how time had passed since we watched wrestling mania together and attempted to imitate The Undertaker going RIP on the Heart Break-Kid Shawn Michael and me usually ending up with a twisted arm and crying while he tries to appease me with bribes before Mother Dearest could arrive and go Undertaker on us both. We are adults now, well, supposedly. And Mother Dearest is frantically cleaning the house (as if he's going to arrive, run his finger along the furniture and bolt right back to the depths of Australian jungles from where he came from) Its evident that she loves him more that she loves me. She hardly even ever cleans my room! Sigh.... :(
Got the best birthday surprise ever today and I'm feeling all warm and cozy inside. It was quite unexpected really and I got to admit, I was really touched. Four years of sisterhood and here we are today, eating fried chicken and chocolate brownies and getting high on life itself. Its almost a shame that our uni life together shall end in another three months or so. No more crazy laughter that echoes across the halls, no more inside jokes, no more crazy photos. Sigh...........Its just heartbreaking :(
Off to grab a nap before the Brother Dearest hits the place (yes, somewhat like a catastrophic meteoroid) and turns the place upside down. Good night everyone! :)
Yeah well, he should cz I'm his only Sissy Dearest and well, he does pet me a great deal. And I too am awfully fond of him regardless of the occasional pinching, punching, biting and screaming session that often takes place of course. I still remember how we end up fighting and when the parents pitch in to separate us, we two gang up on them and walk off in to the sunset hand in hand, tending to each other's bite and pinch wounds. Awwww....happy times. Sigh............ :)
Its amazing how time had passed since we watched wrestling mania together and attempted to imitate The Undertaker going RIP on the Heart Break-Kid Shawn Michael and me usually ending up with a twisted arm and crying while he tries to appease me with bribes before Mother Dearest could arrive and go Undertaker on us both. We are adults now, well, supposedly. And Mother Dearest is frantically cleaning the house (as if he's going to arrive, run his finger along the furniture and bolt right back to the depths of Australian jungles from where he came from) Its evident that she loves him more that she loves me. She hardly even ever cleans my room! Sigh.... :(
Got the best birthday surprise ever today and I'm feeling all warm and cozy inside. It was quite unexpected really and I got to admit, I was really touched. Four years of sisterhood and here we are today, eating fried chicken and chocolate brownies and getting high on life itself. Its almost a shame that our uni life together shall end in another three months or so. No more crazy laughter that echoes across the halls, no more inside jokes, no more crazy photos. Sigh...........Its just heartbreaking :(
Off to grab a nap before the Brother Dearest hits the place (yes, somewhat like a catastrophic meteoroid) and turns the place upside down. Good night everyone! :)
Monday, June 6, 2011
I am officially twenty four now. I was very much comfortable with being twenty three and just when I get used to that fact, I turn twenty four. How unfair!
Celebrations have been postponed due to Brother Dearest's arrival tonight. OMG! He will be arriving in the SL in a couple more hours and I'm so excited!!!
Birthdays get me excited too. I guess it has everything to do with how my childhood b'days were spent, every birthday morning waking up, going downstairs shivering with anticipation, not really knowing what awaits me downstairs. A beaming Mother and Father dearest stands at the foot of the stairs along with a groggy looking Brother Dearest, scooping me up in their arms and showering me with kisses as I worship their feet. There's always goodies for me, a fresh bunch of flowers, roses in a nice vase, presents and a really touching card that makes me tear up at the words which I hastily brush off, not wanting to appear silly. Birthdays make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Although it does mean that I am getting one year older and thus an year closer to death, old age and its miseries, I'd gladly cherish that warm, fuzzy, cuddly feeling to that dreading of wrinkles and crows' feet any day.
I found myself shaking my head and smiling at the memory of a surprise birthday treat some years ago. I remembered the gazing, the love, the warmth. Memories are funny things. Guess I have a way of seeking refuge in beautiful, warm memories when all other things get so cold and hurtful. Oh well........Bless my ability to lose myself within my head. I would have gone crazy if it wasn't for that.
Had a lovely day with the family and The Darling yesterday. Received the sweetest gift from him which made me go back in time to the very first day that this great love of ours was first discovered (spotlight from heaven and heavenly voices singing hallelujah) and got us both in to trouble. But the greatest gift of all this year is having him with me, closer than we ever were, no matter how hard the times are, whatever issues that have come up and whatever problems that still keep grinding at the seams at this very minute. Well, it'l all be over soon he promised. And I'm looking forward to that, the beautiful times we had without a worry on our minds, the carefree and joyous attitude towards life and a brilliant future that just seemed all ours to claim. It was all too wonderful, all too good to be true this past of ours and I'm so nostalgic for those carefree times of the past right now, to have a free mind and to know that everything is as they should be, to hold him in my arms and KNOW that everything's in their rightful places where they truly belong. I wouldn't have to be so afraid to feel then, I wouldn't have to control my feelings, I would be able to let the love flow and inundate the place like I would have loved to. I want to be able to dream again. Although some plans of meeting up with some friends failed, I'm glad we had some intimate times together. Its good to know that nothing can affect our feelings towards each other, his or mine and believe me we have gone through hurricanes, Tsunamis and all natural and unnatural disasters imaginable together. These are just tests of time, testing the durability of our foundations, the commitment and the love and we embrace these cruel but necessary tests because so far they have only proved that it is solid and unbreakable and will withstand any sort of conundrum that life throws at our faces. Its amazing how times had changed, we have grown older but the feelings which had braved hailstorms, thunderstorms and sandstorms (perhaps not as courageously as I would have liked to) still remains the same if not amplified. These babies are strong. They wouldn't fall out that easily even if we wanted them to. Which worries me sometimes because like I said in my earlier post, letting go has to be done without a struggle, kicking, screaming or holding on all too tightly.
Alrighty then, morning lectures and I have to get myself ready. Birthday is over and its time to get my sweet ass back to work. This is just a post that I felt obliged to write in honor of a date of august importance in history (ahem) and is written in quite a hurry. Forgive me for any grammer, spelling mistakes that I may have made or for the lack of humor or anything that was earlier there in these posts. I write this with a heavy heart as it had been these past couple of weeks. And a hurried conscience that I should probably get ready right about now :S
Oh and I was born on a 6.6.6. As in 6th June 87. Add the year up to get a single digit and you get a 6. Explains much? :D
Celebrations have been postponed due to Brother Dearest's arrival tonight. OMG! He will be arriving in the SL in a couple more hours and I'm so excited!!!
Birthdays get me excited too. I guess it has everything to do with how my childhood b'days were spent, every birthday morning waking up, going downstairs shivering with anticipation, not really knowing what awaits me downstairs. A beaming Mother and Father dearest stands at the foot of the stairs along with a groggy looking Brother Dearest, scooping me up in their arms and showering me with kisses as I worship their feet. There's always goodies for me, a fresh bunch of flowers, roses in a nice vase, presents and a really touching card that makes me tear up at the words which I hastily brush off, not wanting to appear silly. Birthdays make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Although it does mean that I am getting one year older and thus an year closer to death, old age and its miseries, I'd gladly cherish that warm, fuzzy, cuddly feeling to that dreading of wrinkles and crows' feet any day.
I found myself shaking my head and smiling at the memory of a surprise birthday treat some years ago. I remembered the gazing, the love, the warmth. Memories are funny things. Guess I have a way of seeking refuge in beautiful, warm memories when all other things get so cold and hurtful. Oh well........Bless my ability to lose myself within my head. I would have gone crazy if it wasn't for that.
Had a lovely day with the family and The Darling yesterday. Received the sweetest gift from him which made me go back in time to the very first day that this great love of ours was first discovered (spotlight from heaven and heavenly voices singing hallelujah) and got us both in to trouble. But the greatest gift of all this year is having him with me, closer than we ever were, no matter how hard the times are, whatever issues that have come up and whatever problems that still keep grinding at the seams at this very minute. Well, it'l all be over soon he promised. And I'm looking forward to that, the beautiful times we had without a worry on our minds, the carefree and joyous attitude towards life and a brilliant future that just seemed all ours to claim. It was all too wonderful, all too good to be true this past of ours and I'm so nostalgic for those carefree times of the past right now, to have a free mind and to know that everything is as they should be, to hold him in my arms and KNOW that everything's in their rightful places where they truly belong. I wouldn't have to be so afraid to feel then, I wouldn't have to control my feelings, I would be able to let the love flow and inundate the place like I would have loved to. I want to be able to dream again. Although some plans of meeting up with some friends failed, I'm glad we had some intimate times together. Its good to know that nothing can affect our feelings towards each other, his or mine and believe me we have gone through hurricanes, Tsunamis and all natural and unnatural disasters imaginable together. These are just tests of time, testing the durability of our foundations, the commitment and the love and we embrace these cruel but necessary tests because so far they have only proved that it is solid and unbreakable and will withstand any sort of conundrum that life throws at our faces. Its amazing how times had changed, we have grown older but the feelings which had braved hailstorms, thunderstorms and sandstorms (perhaps not as courageously as I would have liked to) still remains the same if not amplified. These babies are strong. They wouldn't fall out that easily even if we wanted them to. Which worries me sometimes because like I said in my earlier post, letting go has to be done without a struggle, kicking, screaming or holding on all too tightly.
Alrighty then, morning lectures and I have to get myself ready. Birthday is over and its time to get my sweet ass back to work. This is just a post that I felt obliged to write in honor of a date of august importance in history (ahem) and is written in quite a hurry. Forgive me for any grammer, spelling mistakes that I may have made or for the lack of humor or anything that was earlier there in these posts. I write this with a heavy heart as it had been these past couple of weeks. And a hurried conscience that I should probably get ready right about now :S
Oh and I was born on a 6.6.6. As in 6th June 87. Add the year up to get a single digit and you get a 6. Explains much? :D
Friday, June 3, 2011
My secret, malicious novel *evil grin, wiping hands together* 3:)
Lady Grouch is writing a secret novel and smiling maliciously behind her all too impersonal scowl, quietly plotting and scheming a conspiracy to overthrow the equilibrium of the planet. It just feels so wonderful that nobody will perhaps get to see it, ever. But its divine guilty pleasure all the same. A novel of this rather irritable Lady's own life, its people, her adventures, half fiction, half real. Its her revenge against the world and what do you know, it just feels so darn good.
Writing has always relaxed me ever since I was merely a child. My first attempt at poetry was at the tender age of eight when I was in grade 3 when I had gotten shit pissed at the class teacher for punishing me for a crime that I had not committed and written a very angry poem-like-thing (that actually rhymed) in the spirit of self-pity and hurt at the spur of the moment. Well, there was no looking back ever since. Writing is where I have gone to hide myself when the world got a little too harsh for my little mind to bear. It has always been like that. And it still continues to be so. I'm quite fond of hiding among words and letters.
Coming back to the novel, I already have several chapters ready at hand, things I have written now and then, lying around randomly with no prior intention of ever turning them in to a novel. All they need is some editing and voila! My novel shall be a little less than one quarter done. All the characters are indeed from real life and the people I do not like get to have really ugly, horrendous names that they have never even imagined in their most appalling nightmares. Or better yet, I shall just take the liberty of using their real names so that they will become notorious within our little enclosed society and they will have to go through life with my novel on their backs till the day they die. Mua ha ha ha! I'm wicked like that! ;)
I have a very good feeling that it shall be the scandal of the century if it ever gets published, so I wouldn't let it out in the open in my right, conscious and ticking mind. Its going to be a novel of joy, of pain, of suffering, dementia, obsessions, sex, drugs and rock and roll and all the rest of it that your mother warned you about. Writing this is merely an outlet and its not meant to be published unless I suddenly go out of my mind and decide to bask in my moment of glory in true decadent style, taking myself down with it. Lets just see. I really should get a publisher so that I could tell him where I keep all my secret stash of scandalous documents so that I will at least be famous when I die. Sigh.......
Talking of sex, I have been wondering. It stopped being a taboo subject a long time back and people have been talking about it for a very long time. Some even consider it "cool" to be talking about sex but once it comes down to the actual act, its all hushes and whispers of "You know, they are doing it noh men. Chee, before marriage also. Shame, shame!" Huddling together, blush and cover their faces as if they've found King Solomon's treasure trove of juicy gossip.
Sex is a great reason for getting married in this country where pre-marital sex is frowned, winced and scowled upon. Me as the little-too-rebellious teenager that I was, always thought of marriage as a life long licence to be entitled to regular unprotected sex and getting one's parents to haul the workload of the screeching, pooping, burping consequences that pop out every nine months, scornfully rejected the whole sacred institution of marriage and shocked the parents who thought me to be way too young to be even thinking "that three letter word". Well, sex indeed is the one relief that these helpless Asian individuals have in committing themselves to that all too cumbersome institute of marriage me thinks. Candles, incense, silk blindfolds, ice, cookie dough, whips and chains, gags, ropes, leather and vinyl, fluffy handcuffs, feathers, stethoscopes and the whole lot, drinking straws (yes, drinking straws) and well, who could resist all that and more? The possibilities are endless. Its just a matter of using that imagination of yours that rots away in an unused corner of the brain.( I can already hear the mental shocks, gasps and silently uttered chee's and hissing) :P
And all this talk about marriage why? Because if you're past twenty five and still unmarried, people just assume that there is something wrong with you. Not that I've faced that problem personally, its just that this whole ordeal of finding a girl for the Brother Dearest is getting on my nerves. And what's his excuse for not yet being miserably settled with one or two toddlers slobbering all over him? He's too tall! That must have been the lamest excuse that I have ever heard in the entire human history. Although it is a fact that he vehemently rejects anyone less that 5ft 6.
Anyways me off now. Got to write at least a chapter of that scandalous novel of mine (malicious, glinting eyes) Catch y'all with updates soon. Till then be good or else you'l end up in my novel with a fugly, hairy name :P Ciao! :)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
The art of letting go
In case that y'all didn't know, it really is an art. Not everyone can do it and some would only do it if they are dragged, wrenched, pulled away by the legs, kicking, screaming and tearing out their hair in the process. Because of this reluctance, most come out of it ragged, bruised, torn and sometimes even irrecoverable, be it family ties, a relationship that has gone stale, clinging on to one's past a little too tightly, etc. Letting go without a struggle is beneficial for everybody's health as the saying goes.
It requires a great deal of strength, courage and determination, this art of letting go. That is exactly why it is an art. Not everyone can do it, neither are they talented enough to do so.
Giving birth to a child does not give one the right to own his or her life. The moment they pop out of the womb, they are individual human beings. Sure, this little poop bundle that comes out, kicking, screaming and covered with bloody muck requires some guidance, but looking at the mothers and fathers dragging poor innocent toddlers in filthy school uniforms to maybe the third tuition class of the day at 8 o'clock in the night makes you wonder where the boundaries start and where they end. Asian parents are the best of the lot. Not only they drag you through the whole modus operandi of school, tuition classes, finishing schools, etc, they find the person that their offspring shall have sex with for the rest of their lives and make children with. Oh yeah and also when and where to make babies. Control freaks or what!
When will they ever learn to let go? One may say that me, still being myself at twenty three, unmarried and without kids has no clue as to what having a kid means. True that. But yours truly intends on being a very cool parent who lets the kids have ice cream for lunch and let them wear their bathing kits to school. Coz I'm cool like that ;)
And then comes the relationships. Yes, yes, we've all been there. We've all kicked and screamed and absolutely and vehemently refused to let go and hung on to them as if our lives depended on it, but when the time comes and you have absolutely no choice, you have to let them go right? Love is never selfish. It should liberate, it should never cling like a half dried turd on the sole of your shoe, making your whole life and the ones surrounding you stink. If you love, you should also be able to let go. As the saying goes;
If you love somebody, set them free. If they come back, they are yours forever. If they don't, they were never really yours to begin with.
Letting go isn't easy, but when it is absolutely obligatory that you do, you have to do it even if it will kill you inside. Change is inevitable. Acceptance is crucial for survival. And sometimes we have to let go not because we don't love, but because we DO love.
I believe in letting go. And I believe that I'm quite good at it too. I have never cried over a lost phone, a lost piece of jewellery, a broken camera, etc. People, however have been tougher. Things are meant to be broken, people are meant to be loved, although sometimes, one has to let them go, for their own good and yours. It was hard, now that I recall the process, hard, but necessary. Emotions had to be killed, memories had to be strangled, I practically had to brainwash myself but me being me, once I set my mind on something, I had done it somehow. Bonds and attachments only bring pain and heartache if one hangs on to them too tightly. There is a time and space for everything, for parental bonds, for love, for relationships, for the nostalgia of the past. There is a time. Its crucial that one knows when to let go and when to hang on. And hanging on for all the wrong, selfish reasons is the worst mistake one can ever make.
There are, however, two things in my life that I will not be able to let go however much I try. But if time comes, I shall have to let go of them too, although I shall be kicking, screaming and holding on for dear life, coming out all scratched, bruised, ragged, torn, broken and definitely irreparable in the end. What are these things that I'm so attached to that I guard with my own dear life you ask? Well, what those two things are, you can only guess :)
It requires a great deal of strength, courage and determination, this art of letting go. That is exactly why it is an art. Not everyone can do it, neither are they talented enough to do so.
Giving birth to a child does not give one the right to own his or her life. The moment they pop out of the womb, they are individual human beings. Sure, this little poop bundle that comes out, kicking, screaming and covered with bloody muck requires some guidance, but looking at the mothers and fathers dragging poor innocent toddlers in filthy school uniforms to maybe the third tuition class of the day at 8 o'clock in the night makes you wonder where the boundaries start and where they end. Asian parents are the best of the lot. Not only they drag you through the whole modus operandi of school, tuition classes, finishing schools, etc, they find the person that their offspring shall have sex with for the rest of their lives and make children with. Oh yeah and also when and where to make babies. Control freaks or what!
When will they ever learn to let go? One may say that me, still being myself at twenty three, unmarried and without kids has no clue as to what having a kid means. True that. But yours truly intends on being a very cool parent who lets the kids have ice cream for lunch and let them wear their bathing kits to school. Coz I'm cool like that ;)
And then comes the relationships. Yes, yes, we've all been there. We've all kicked and screamed and absolutely and vehemently refused to let go and hung on to them as if our lives depended on it, but when the time comes and you have absolutely no choice, you have to let them go right? Love is never selfish. It should liberate, it should never cling like a half dried turd on the sole of your shoe, making your whole life and the ones surrounding you stink. If you love, you should also be able to let go. As the saying goes;
If you love somebody, set them free. If they come back, they are yours forever. If they don't, they were never really yours to begin with.
Letting go isn't easy, but when it is absolutely obligatory that you do, you have to do it even if it will kill you inside. Change is inevitable. Acceptance is crucial for survival. And sometimes we have to let go not because we don't love, but because we DO love.
I believe in letting go. And I believe that I'm quite good at it too. I have never cried over a lost phone, a lost piece of jewellery, a broken camera, etc. People, however have been tougher. Things are meant to be broken, people are meant to be loved, although sometimes, one has to let them go, for their own good and yours. It was hard, now that I recall the process, hard, but necessary. Emotions had to be killed, memories had to be strangled, I practically had to brainwash myself but me being me, once I set my mind on something, I had done it somehow. Bonds and attachments only bring pain and heartache if one hangs on to them too tightly. There is a time and space for everything, for parental bonds, for love, for relationships, for the nostalgia of the past. There is a time. Its crucial that one knows when to let go and when to hang on. And hanging on for all the wrong, selfish reasons is the worst mistake one can ever make.
There are, however, two things in my life that I will not be able to let go however much I try. But if time comes, I shall have to let go of them too, although I shall be kicking, screaming and holding on for dear life, coming out all scratched, bruised, ragged, torn, broken and definitely irreparable in the end. What are these things that I'm so attached to that I guard with my own dear life you ask? Well, what those two things are, you can only guess :)
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