Thursday, June 9, 2011

Busy times, happy times :)

Ah...busy day. It just seems like the Lady Grouch gets up in the morning sets her feet on the ground and the hours just fast forward themselves automatically from then on wards. Partly due to the fact that the Brother Dearest is making us drive throughout the country, dragging us here and there and everywhere and the world just doesn't seem to stop whizzing past. Life has never been quiet with him, it still isn't.

The Darling's father has undergone surgery and is at the moment, hospitalized and recovering. Nothing major and there is absolutely nothing to worry about, the doctor assured us. I think he is quite enjoying the holiday in bed, what with The Darling's mother by his side, showering him with affection, surrounded by love and attention. He looked so innocently asleep, clasping his hands together like a child as he came out of the operation theater the day before yesterday, looked around widening his eyes just like The Darling does after waking up from a deep sleep, trying to register what is happening around him. Now I know where The Darling gets his wide-eyed, bewildered stare that usually comes just when he opens his eyes after sleeping or when he is too sleepy to take notice what's going on around him. The Darling is so like his father sometimes. Yesterday The Uncle was up and about and looking quite bored but other than that, he was perfectly alright, bless his soul. I really do feel for The Darling's Mother, the gentle soul that she is, tending to her husband's needs ever so patiently. She too has been there for two days now and well, lets just say that she is the perfect person to look after him. The bond between them is just so incredibly sweet.

There is a certain way that The Uncle looks at The Aunty. When he looks at her, his nose does this funny twitching thing which looked so familiar and his eyes go all round and moist and I wondered where I have seen it all before. And then I remembered that The Darling does the same thing with his eyes and the nose when he looks at me. Noticing this for the first time in his father, I felt a warm glow inside. The love needed no convictions, simply watching his parents reacting to one another was enough and I just knew that this is what we'l be like in another thirty years or so, somewhat lacking the youthfulness of the twenties but still so deeply in love. Like I said, The Darling and his father share so many similar traits. And I needed no third eye to see that he feels the same way towards me, as his father does towards his mother.

Had a lovely day yesterday out with the family and The Darling and we ended up ditching the family and going for a shopping spree on our own. Dudes really are lazy shoppers but come on, you have to show SOME sort of enthusiasm when they are shopping for themselves right? But nope, the male species are just biologically immune to the virtues and wonders of shopping I guess.

Life is just too funny it seems. One moment you are the kind of friends that tease each other and call each other names and the next, you are in love, hopelessly, madly and deeply, convinced that there is no other life beyond this feeling. And then your Brother Dearest too barges in to the scene and he too fits so perfectly in to this happy family portrait and there we have one perfect little family of our own. Life's just too funny for words. But then, there is no saying when that family portrait could fall and break in to a million pieces too, damaging it beyond any sort of miraculous repair.

Life's just too funny I guess :)

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