Saturday, January 8, 2011

Crappy day

I have recently taken to moaning,groaning and roaming the house uttering occasional aiyyoo's and anee's looking like somebody just died and left me only their blind cat in the will.At 23 years old,I'm already feeling like 100 years,back bent with the burden of a monumentally crappy dissertation,numerous researches(yes,we haven't seen the end of research apparently),exams and the like.

Well,its rather like maintaining a blind cat really,this sweet little dissertation of mine.I don't like cats much,but I cannot let it die alone,untended either.So here I am,tending to my blind cat,giving it all the love and affection that I possibly can while life goes on,yes it does go on.

I feel like a blind cat too sometimes.Not knowing where I'm going,just sniffing along the trail of other blind cats who had followed the same path before me.Its not a good feeling you know,not having the support nor the guidance to go on.You just end up feeling lost.Living converts itself to surviving and managing converts itself to hanging on for your life while us poor folks wonder on,not knowing what hit us and what we have gotten ourselves in to,slapping ourselves in our minds thousand times and over.Mais c'est la vie,n'est-ce pas?

Have to go for classes in another hour.Go there,sit for five hours straight,listening to the lecturers droning on and on about constitutions,passing laws,human rights and the like.There are just so many laws to protect the people in this country,to help them lead a fairly contended life.But it's just depressing how many of them are implemented properly.Sad really.

Guitar fest was good.The place was packed and I just wish we were there early enough to grab seats.It's the first time in a long time that I witnessed some live Flamenco music after my Flamenco dancing days.Ah la joie de vivre! La joie de danser! Would have been awesome if it went on for longer though.AND it would have been better if they issued tickets or channeled the crowd at the entrance itself to avoid seating problems and the clumping.This is the sort of music that should be listened to at total peace of mind,seated at peace without herds of people breathing down your back.We only realized that the hall was air conditioned after the performance when the hall has been emptied out.It was way too stuffy in there.If everything works out that way,we shall be looking forward to another Guitar Fest next year as well.

I'm thinking of going in to meditation,yoga just isn't enough anymore.Kick boxing sounds good too to let loose all that pent up rage and depression.Plus it would occupy me with the necessary self defense skills to beat the shit out of anybody who annoys or irritates me the next time.

Heard that a three week's intense army training is going to be offered to the students awaiting university entrance in the future.Whoever thought of that idea deserves a thousand hugs and kisses and a life time supply of balloons and confetti.Just sayin'

Wish that it was introduced during our times though.Imagine the number of teeth that I could have smashed,the number of faces that I could have disfigured.Ah....pity...

Yes I did notice that I have become quite murderous of late.But this IS a grouch blog,invented for the sole purpose of grouching,bitching,sulking around,so I shall grouch,bitch and sulk about anything,everything,anyone and everyone as I please in here.

Oh and one more thing,although I wear a pentacle that doesn't make me a witch.Although I wish I was sometimes for the pure purpose of turning people in to frogs.But my wishes do have this uncanny way of coming true most of the time,although not to everybody's best interest.People close to me have experienced it more than a couple of times and now I'm careful about what I wish for.

And now I should hurry out to class before I invoke Mother Dearest's ear-blasting wrath.So have a good day everyone.Here starts my rather grouchy,whiney day with a grouchy,whiney post.

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