Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tropical island no more? *sob sob*

I cant feel my toes.Seriously.

According to sources,this is the first time in 61 years that the temperature in Colombo has gone down below 19 degrees.And here I am curled up on the chair with both my legs folded under me(coz the moment they touch the ground,my hair stands on its end) all three of my sweaters,a pair of wooley socks and a set of chattering teeth looking like an extremely paranoid astronaut afraid of catching a cold(or an unidentified alien disease) out there.

All in all,the weather during the day is muy encantador out there.The sun is no where to be seen,there is a cool  breeze verging on the cold blowing all the time and it looks as if this eternal evening in the upcountry has decided to descend on us Colombo folks.Walking home from uni yesterday afternoon,I should have been dead beat,crappy exhausted and hating the whole world in all my grouchiness but being gently lulled by that cool,refreshing breeze,I felt quite alright.This is comforting weather.It does make you ravenously hungry though.

It's already 2011 and drastic climatic changes are taking place.Many people have died due to natural disasters and the others are suffering,shivering in their socks from the cold.It really does seem like the world will end in 2012,and I'm thinking.Here I am,staying late nights,starring at a computer screen,examining the bottom of countless cups of hot coffee,yawning away like a hippopotamus,working/hacking away at a thesis that still seems as vague and frail as a spider's web that will blow away on the gentle winterly breeze.We are typing away precious time when what we really should be doing is digging out underground waterproof bunkers in our backyards to save ourselves from the apocalypse.How incredibly moronically ambitious we humans are.Still concentrating on our fuzzy little nebulous careers and a future that is as hazy as a monkey face in a fog when all that we should be doing is trying to save our lives.Fools!

By the way,I saw one of our neighbors,covered from head to foot with scarves,jackets and what not,cowering behind a tree on my way home yesterday.I was quite puzzled coz she is considered to be quite a fearless,one who will come running when a thief is caught to throw a stone or aim a kick at his crotch and maybe do more if only she was allowed.She would roar in this mirror shattering shrill voice and declare to the whole world that she has absolutely no fear of any ************  and that she will not hesitate to kill em all in a ridiculously brutal manner,cut off their balls and hang them at her door (yes,and she utters such things in a voice that is more than sufficiently audible for the whole neighborhood to hear and we usually get the pure Sinhala unabridged version which is quite disgusting yet fascinating) as she claims that she is afraid of no one.So a very confused me followed her absolutely horrified gaze only to land on an innocent looking cow who was crossing the street,minding its own business,completely unaware of the fact that she was under intense surveillance of a camouflaged individual in her watch tower from behind a tree.When the cow was well out of sight,our brave neighbor fearlessly steps out from behind the tree,brushes wet moss,dry leaves,twigs and the like that may have lodged themselves on her,looks around and continues her journey to bring bread from the bakery with her chest thrust out as if nothing happened.I walked on as if I hadn't noticed anything for the sake of her dignity.Well what d'ya know,our oh-so-fearless is after all afraid of cows! Hee hee... :D

About this fascinating creature,I have not yet mentioned in this blog I suppose.She is a spinster of about 54 who lives with her bed ridden mother who everybody in the neighborhood suspects,but haven't found proof to be suffering from a very rare mental disease.We would have found it easier to sympathize with her if it wasn't for her unimaginably vile and sneaky ways.But that of course,is another story for another day.

So here I go finishing yet another blog post under a gloomy sky,positively feeling the chill in my bones.I for one,can endure any amount of heat,but find it extremely difficult to deal with the cold.Hopefully things will change or else we will have to make drastic changes to all the travel magazines on Sri Lanka that defines it as a tropical paradise island where the sun shines all day,every day and there's never a dull day in sight.I am a proud,brown skinned Sri Lankan by whose tanned skin,wild gypsy hair,tropical goodness of mangoes and pine apples,exoticism and boastings of sun and fun every day has bewitched and aroused the envy of many a pale skinned starry eyed foreign individual who shiver in their cold and clammy environments and I shall not settle for anything less!

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