Sunday, December 30, 2012

The end of a year approaches!

The Lady's head is quite muddled up. Red, yellow and fish rains, aliens, Sri Lanka coming on top of sex searches, brutal rapes, etc, etc, really is too much to wrap one's head around.

The world is enraged over the rape of one girl. Suddenly, protest against rape, the safety of the womankind has become the in thing. The world knows of one such victim but how many unknown victims are still suffering in silence out there? Did anyone care about them, did anyone bother to find out before all this? How many are being raped on a daily basis and how many of them have to live with the memory, the trauma and be disgusted with themselves, their bodies and live in constant suspicion and fear of the world? How many girls will never be able to trust anyone again as long as they live? How many girls will not be able to take off the dark glasses through which they look at the world and eventually end their own lives in disgust and depression? I'd say that this particular girl was lucky to not have to live with the trauma. An extremely brutal, tragic death I'd say but I still believe that she is lucky to not have to live with the memory for the rest of her life.

However, it is quite refreshing to see such passion, such vigor over the very necessary cause of stopping rape. Finally it seems that people have woken up. Hopefully the passion would not die down. Hopefully something would actually happen this time, for all the harassment, the rapes, the violence, all this has to end. The girl should be canonized for all the uproar. She is a martyr in her own right.

To top that off, I still live around people who think women are dumb (in their own words). I'm disappointed. Expected more, much much more I must say. Dunno what to make of it yet. This is quite serious.

And yet, a new year approacheth. 2013! Can't believe 2012 is almost done.

My new year resolution this year is not having any new year resolutions. The idea is to live each day as a new beginning, starting over each day, trying to become a new person. I've tried that for the past year and liked it very much. Feels good when you feel that each day gives you a chance to start over, to look over the mistakes you've made and your inconsistencies and make up for that. Its like having second chances everyday in your life.

What have I done in 2012? I have lived, I have loved, I have laughed, I have cried, I have sulked and pouted and then I have danced in glee and hugged myself in utter bliss. I have worked my rear end off, I have made my loved ones happy, I have spent precious times with them - moments that I shall cherish forever. And I've also achieved a lifelong dream that had always seemed only a dream : publishing a book. And what's more, a book that is liked and commented on very fondly! I've made friends, learnt a huge deal about human beings that I had been completely unaware of before, unlearnt quite a few things too. Its been a journey of learning, of experiencing and all in all, a great year.

Craving tea. And such cravings must never be ignored! Away goes the Lady to the kitchen quarters, robes rustling, mug clanking and all!


Dee said...

Happy new year Lady G :)

lady grouch-a-lot said...

A very happy new year too Dee. Good to have u back :)