Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Kids,Desperado and big,fat Flamenco dresses :)

Had to wake up at 7.30 AM yesterday,(something that I never do as I'm usually used to rising and shining around 9Am,cut all 8AM lectures and sleep in.Yeey!!) for the sole purpose of going to the library and renewing the books because if not,I shall be blessed with the privilege of getting an exceptionally delightful earful from our friendly librarian(who is a tiny little man of a gentle disposition who is not so bad really but falls victim to horrible mood swings and the like)Well,its been a while since I have discovered that men have PMS too.Oh well.......

Watched Desperado for the umpteenth time and is currently swooning,sighing and mooning all over the place.<3 <3 Antonio Banderas!!!! <3 <3 That slick little pony tail,that sexy lazy drawl of an accent,that guitar case loaded with guns,hell,I'd take the man if he got a rose bush sprouting off his nose,the guitar playing killing machine that he is! Sigh........I personally think that he looks good with long hair rather than short.That is one man that I shall never grow tired of.Sigh.....

Banderas made me think of Madonna's La Isla Bonita,a song that I had been mad over while I was growing up.Yeah,happy memories.I remember going bananas every time I heard that song on TV and start swirling what ever I was wearing at the time and start spinning round and round (I must have been about 3 years old and didn't know a hoot about dancing back then,so cut me some slack guys) which I think was one of the reasons my parents introduced me to Latin american dancing later on.I remember having hots for the beefy dude with long hair who plays the guitar in the video and wish that someone played guitar for me like that underneath my window(Yes,I was a hopeless romantic as a child too.Sigh...) Ooh,and I also wanted a BIG,fat,frilly-as-hell,blood red flamenco dress with a side slit like Madonna's which I also got to wear later on (much,much later on) in life when I started Flamenco dancing(which I never completed.Sigh....)

Should get back to my reading I suppose.With this monolithic amount of work to do,I 'm feeling quite lost really.Feel like doing something drastic to get off the book-worm-ish mode,but don't really know what.Oh well.....I shall figure that out,put it in to action and blog about it later.

Nitey night everyone! Sleep tight! :)

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