Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mother Dearest prepares for a famine

Saturday morning.Usual rounds to the super market to buy the weekly household needs with Mother Dearest.This is where she got shocked by the prices of vegetables(and the sight of empty vegetable bins which are usually full and brimming,but only stared at you now with hungry,gaping mouths)and was struck with the impending doom of a possible famine.

On our way home,she made a deliberate stop at one of our neighborhood aunty's house(her being an ardent admirer of plants,trees and everything that sprouts leaves and threatens to forestize perfectly alright gardens) and obtained from her two plants; an aubergine plant and a chilly plant which Mother Dearest so lovingly placed in our backyard.

There were terrified talks of people dying of hunger all over the world,floods engulfing the planet,the sun burning up the world,tsunamis and whirlwinds sending humongous buildings topsy-turvey(2012 theme music playing in the background) all over town.At the home front,there were talks of stocking the pantry with several kilos of dhal too,just in case.I wonder how our pantry would survive when even the empire state building(or the NEB Tower,being the tallest building in sri Lanka) is uprooted and whirled half way across the globe or carried off to the depths of a deep blue sea in a formidable army of torrential waves.Oh well..........

It really is crazy what the country(or/and the world) have come to today.For a person who is not really bothered about the food prices or how the kitchen fares,even I was surprised to find how the original price of a product has doubled and sometimes tripled up.Some blame the government,some blame the Gods,some blame each other,some blame the Mayans for making that wretched calender of theirs which ends in 2012.Either way,things are not looking too good it seems.

But now,thanks to Mother Dearest,we shall never run out of brinjals and chilly(gives the finger to inflation).And since they are both in pots,even if the whole place gets flooded,we can still climb on to the top of the roof with our precious plants and stay.We also have a curry leaves tree which reaches up to the roof,the breadfruit tree next door(which drops its fruits on to our roof from time to time and threatens to crush the roof tiles,sheets,etc and manages to get on Daddy Dearest's nerves)Oh well........Even if the worst comes to worst,we shall still have brinjals,chilly,breadfruit and curry leaves to feed on.And dhal too,if our pantry survives.Oh I'm feeling quite comforted already (hugs herself and gives the finger to a possible famine and the apocalypse alike)  :)

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