Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nothing like an occasional dose of spicy attitude to uplift the mind :)

This indeed is a grouch blog,so not every blog post is happy-yappy,sun-shiney as you can see...I want to put as much attitude as I can in to this post,be as bitchy as I can,be unfair,exaggerate,put totally unrelated crap in to this just because I feel like it and just because I can(because its MY blog) because face it darlin' ,life is never fair,always blown over to be more than what it really is and as always,full of crap.

I have always believed that I should be able to express myself freely about what makes me happy,what makes me sad,what displeases me,what gets on my nerves.But it seems that of late,that freedom has been throttled(not exactly taken away,but sort of smothered) in the most ridiculous way possible.I don't want to be smothered,I want to be free,I want to be the vibrant person I'm used to being and I can only do that if I'm allowed to be free,with no inhibitions.

I should be able to make witty remarks without random people going all childishly and ridiculously ballistic over them.I mean,grow up and take a chill pill will ya....

I am rather protective about people I care about and I don't really see how that should concern others.But on the other hand,the people I care about should understand that I care about them so much so,that I don't give a flying F*** about what the rest of the world thinks.Their opinion isn't needed.So sue me.

I'm a human being,an individual with my own attitudes and opinions about things and the world,so take me or leave me,I don't really care because I really shouldn't be caring about people who find it easy to simply up and leave,just like that.But if you do take me,please understand that its just the whole package,attitude and all.Cz I'd rather be left alone than lose my identity for nothing.Actually,solitude is the ultimate bliss me thinks,with no additional responsibilities and zero pressure.

Me also thinks that responsibility and additional pressure is well worth the effort IF the object of our commitment is well worth it.And that worth comes from how much importance the above said object gives you in his/her life,how well he/she treats you,looks after you and whether that person recognizes,appreciates you for what you really are and what you do for him/her.Everybody deserves to be treated like princes and princesses in their lives.And you end up falling in love over and over again with the one who treats you like you deserve to be treated.

I'm not very good at holding grudges.I never will be.I forgive quickly and easily.Maybe too easily me thinks.....Gosh,I hate that.

The world is no longer your kindergarten mafia(its alright if you're a five year old with only your imaginary friends to keep you company or a teenager who(seems to) know it all) But if you're an adult,sorry to burst your shiny little bubble(and mine too) cz there's a whole world out there and people got their own lives to live and they won't give a rat's shiny ass about you when it comes to their own business.People are never what they seem.Multifaceted as they come,manipulative and pure evil(not that evil is a bad thing) Evil is good if only evil is presented as evil itself.I like people who call themselves as evil and not try to hide the evilness under sugary cotton candy clouds of I-care-so-very-much and I'm-such-a-moralistic-goody-goody-that-you-can-eat-rice-off-my-puritanic-ass.Bloody hypocrites!

I shall write about evil in a whole new blog post because evil is good,its great actually and totally DESERVES a separate note.But my darling Evil,this post is about attitude,therefore,I banish you off this land.Now get the F*** out!  :* :)

Anyways,that's all the time I have for attitude I think,because I should get about doing stuff in the real world(which is so far apart from the blogging world.Sigh....)

It does feel good to be bitchy once in a while(Happy sigh.....) Must write more posts like this.I LOVE Grouchalot!!!! :)))

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